Definition of


Man going towards the light

The eschatological is related to the end of life and the afterlife.

The eschatological is that linked to eschatology . The idea of ​​eschatology, meanwhile, has two meanings: it can refer to the doctrines and dogmas that refer to existence beyond death or to the topics, images and phrases associated with excrement .

beyond death

The eschatological is associated with beliefs about the final moments of life and subsistence from beyond the grave . There is a particular eschatology (focused on the state of the person after his death) and a general eschatology (about the ultimate destiny of humanity). This discipline is present in various religions and cultures around the world, and covers a wide range of beliefs and theories about the afterlife.

In many religious traditions, eschatology is closely linked to the idea of ​​the final judgment . According to these beliefs, at the end of time, God or a divine entity will carry out judgment on all souls, separating the righteous from the unrighteous and determining their eternal destiny. For the righteous , a reward is promised, such as eternal life in heaven or a heavenly paradise, while the unrighteous may face punishment or condemnation in hell or a state of suffering.

In Christianity , for example, eschatology focuses on the second coming of Jesus Christ and the final judgment. It is believed that at that time the resurrection of the dead will occur, and both the living and the dead will be judged for their actions. Some Christian denominations teach the existence of a Millennium, a period of peace and justice on earth before the final judgment.

In Islam , eschatology is based on the teachings of the Quran and hadith . It is expected that at the end of time, on Judgment Day, the dead will be resurrected and judged according to their actions. Pious believers can achieve paradise ( Jannah ), while the wicked can face punishment in hell ( Yahannam ).

In other religions, such as Hinduism or Buddhism, eschatology can be approached from different perspectives. In Hinduism , belief in the cycle of reincarnation ( samsara ) implies that souls are repeatedly reincarnated until they achieve liberation ( moksha ). In Buddhism , the notion of karma is emphasized and the aim is to achieve nirvana , a state of liberation from suffering and the cycle of rebirths.

It is important to note that eschatological beliefs vary widely between different religions, denominations and schools of thought. Furthermore, eschatology can also have more than one interpretation and approaches within the same religious tradition .


The eschatological is related to feces ( fecal matter ). With a broader view, eschatology has to do with all physiological acts , such as defecating, urinating, vomiting, etc.

Eschatological humor , in this framework, seeks to make people laugh based on these issues. Some individuals consider scatological humor to be in bad taste, which is why they censor this type of manifestation.

Dirty bathroom

Fecal matter is the center of scatological humor.

Take the case of a cartoonist who creates a comic strip whose protagonist is an excrement called Don Popó . In his cartoons, Don Popó lives various adventures that are funny to readers. It can be said that, due to its content and theme, it is an eschatological comic.

Today, scatological humor is present in various entertainment media, such as movies, television shows, comics, and even in memes and online content. However, it is important to exercise critical judgment and know how to distinguish between scatological humor used in a creative and thoughtful way , and that which may be offensive or disrespectful.