Definition of


ice wall

To climb it is necessary to use various implements and accessories.

The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), in its dictionary, recognizes several uses of the term scalar . These meanings can be divided into two large groups: on the one hand we find those linked to climbing as a verb , while on the other hand there are the meanings of climbing as an adjective and as a noun .

In the first case, climbing usually refers to climbing or climbing . In this way, whoever climbs goes to a higher level, reaches a high place or reaches a greater height .

Climbing as a sporting or recreational activity

Many times the idea of ​​climbing is used in reference to the practice of ascending using physical dexterity to reach the top of a mountain or the highest section of a wall . In this process, the person uses their feet, legs, arms and hands to support themselves and go up.

Climbing involves vertical movement . Generally, to go to the summit of a high mountain, walking or jumping is not enough: in different sections it becomes essential to climb, climbing rock or ice walls .

Since climbing is a risky activity, it is essential to use a helmet and various safety mechanisms and devices, such as ropes , harnesses and pegs . This equipment aims to reduce the possibility of falling and, eventually, mitigate the damage that the climber may suffer.


Climbing mountains is a risky activity.

A symbolic promotion

It should be noted that the action of climbing can also be used to mention a symbolic movement : someone climbs when they climb positions , accessing privileged places or those that most human beings do not reach.

Let's take the case of a professional tennis player who begins the year in position 425 in the ATP ranking. Six months later, thanks to several resounding triumphs and having become champion in three tournaments, the player is ranked 34th . Given this panorama, it can be said that the athlete managed to climb the ranking .

Sometimes the notion of scalar has a negative connotation . This happens if the person who rises or is promoted does so by resorting to tricks or unethical behavior . If an employee becomes a manager by betraying his colleagues, to mention one possibility, someone could accuse him of having escalated at the expense of other workers.

a scalar magnitude

In the field of physics , it is indicated that a magnitude is scalar when it has no direction . Therefore, its expression is carried out with a single module and presents the same value for any observer.

A single number or coordinate, in this way, is necessary for the representation of the scalar magnitude, beyond the reference system. Mass and temperature are examples of scalar quantities (or scalars , since the adjective can also be used as a noun).

The notion in mathematics and computer science

In the field of mathematics , the complex or real number that makes possible the description of a phenomenon that has magnitude but lacks direction is called scalar. At a formal level, a scalar is a tensor (a type of algebraic entity) whose rank is 0 .

For computer science , finally, a scalar is a variable or a constant that presents a one-dimensional and atomic data . This particularity distinguishes them from objects , lists and vectors , whose structures are able to hold more than one value.