Definition of



The notion of entrails can be used to refer to a viscera.

The etymology of entrails takes us to the Latin word interaea , which can be translated as “intestines” . This root is closely linked to the first meaning of the term presented by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary.

The RAE , in this way, indicates that each organ found inside the body of a person or an animal is called the entrail. The entrails, therefore, are housed in the most important cavities of the organism .

Synonym of viscera

In this first meaning mentioned by the RAE , entraña is synonymous with viscera (a word from the Latin viscĕra ). In fact, the academy presents exactly the same definition in both cases.

The entrails or viscera are internal organs that are contained in the pelvis , abdomen or thorax . At the embryological level, they have their origin in the endotherm or the mesoderm.

It is possible to differentiate between solid entrails and hollow entrails . In the first case, the viscera have parenchyma (a functional tissue) and stroma (the tissue that provides support), while the hollow ones contain a series of layers .

The entrail, an increasingly appreciated cut of beef

In Argentina , the cut of meat corresponding to the cow's diaphragm is called entraña. It should be noted that the diaphragm is a membrane composed of muscle fibers whose function is to separate the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity.

The entrails are narrow and elongated and are usually sold with very thin layers that cover them, which are left or removed depending on the cooking method chosen. Among the main characteristics of the entrail are its intense flavor and strong red color.

Fast food

Hamburgers can be prepared with the entrails.

In recent years, entraña has gained popularity in Argentine homes and restaurants . However, before it was not appreciated and was even used to be discarded or sold as part of the giblets .

The entrails are usually cooked on the grill or grill . There are those who choose to process it in a mincer to prepare beef burgers .

The essential and the inaccessible

It is important to note that the notion of entrails can be used to refer to the essential or central nature of something. It can also refer to the inaccessible or the most hidden . In these cases, it is often used in the plural (the entrails ).

For example : “I assure you that I will continue investigating until I get to the heart of this matter,” “The criminal hid for several weeks in the depths of the forest,” “Upon hearing the news, the woman let out a scream that was born of his bowels."

Entraña, on the other hand, is associated with the genius or temperament of an individual and with someone's will : “You won't have any problems, he's a boy with good guts,” “That guy doesn't have guts.”

Entraña, from the verb entrañar

It cannot be omitted to mention that entrain is also a conjugation of entrain . This verb refers to containing something or introducing it into the deepest part .

"According to specialists, the government's project entails a paradox since, although it will surely be approved by Congress, it is most likely that the Supreme Court will declare it unconstitutional and ultimately it cannot be carried out" is an expression where the term appears in the manner mentioned.