Definition of


The etymological origin of the term expansion is found in Latin. Specifically, we must know that it derives from the verb "examplare", which means "to make wider" and that it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The prefix «ex-«, which can be translated as «outwards».

-The adjective "amplus", which is synonymous with "width".

-The suffix "-ar", which is used to form verbs.

An extension or extension of something is called expansion . The term is used in the context of urban planning in Spain to name the surface that, located on the outskirts of a city, is intended for the development of new buildings . By extension, the set of buildings built in an area of ​​this type is also called expansion.

ExpansionIt can be said that an expansion is an urban region that is located on the outskirts of a town , generally created through a planned urban planning action. Many times expansions arise when a city begins to grow and needs to expand.

The origins of the expansions are found in the growth of the population and the appearance of activities that require more intensive use of the land . This led, in ancient times, to demolish the walls that protected medieval cities to encourage their expansion.

The Ensanche of Barcelona , ​​in Spain , was developed in the mid- 19th century . Currently it is the most populated district of the Catalan capital, with more than 260,000 inhabitants. Designed by Ildefonso Cerdá , it houses the Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalanas , the Rambla de Cataluña , the Casa Battló , the Barcelona Auditorium and the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia , among other places of great importance.

Plaza Gaudí, Calle de Balmes or Plaza de la Sagrada Familia are other of the most important enclaves in the famous Eixample of Barcelona, ​​where you can also find a wide variety of tourist accommodation such as hotels, cinemas, of restaurants and even places to taste Catalan and Spanish gastronomy.

Carlos María de Castro , on the other hand, was responsible for Madrid's Ensanche . With this expansion, neighborhoods like Argüelles emerged and the construction of an artery like Gran Vía became necessary to facilitate transportation. The Ensanche of Madrid also contributed to a social phenomenon that led families from the upper classes to move away from the city center to settle in the new urban areas.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore the existence of the Ensanche of Bilbao, which has its origins at the beginning of the 20th century, specifically the first project that was carried out on it dates back to 1801 and was proposed by the architect Aragonese Silvestre Pérez.

Since then, several projects were presented and executed, with interruptions due to different wars, over the years.

Vigo also has its famous Ensanche, which is considered to represent the stately part of the city today. And it is here that, during the 19th century, canners of Catalan origin built their relevant houses.