Definition of



Someone who is conceited is arrogant and petulant.

In order to know the meaning of the term conceited , it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. Specifically, we can state that it is a word that derives from Vulgar Latin, specifically from the verb “incredere.”

According to the definition provided by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), conceited is an adjective that is used to describe an individual who exaggeratedly believes in his or her value or ability . The conceited person, therefore, is petulant or boastful .

For example: “I can't stand our new partner, he's very conceited,” “The young man, conceited, left the place telling those present that they didn't deserve to have someone of his beauty and talent around,” “He's a sports star .” and yet he is humble and not at all conceited.”

Synonyms of conceited

Synonyms for conceited include arrogant, petulant, proud, arrogant, haughty, presumptuous, vain and boastful. On the contrary, among the antonyms we find modest, humble and simple.

He who is conceited is usually arrogant : he thinks he is superior to the rest of the people. By making an excessive assessment of yourself, you tend to disqualify and minimize other people. And not only that: he also wants, due to his supposed superiority, others to pay homage to him.

The conceited individual, on the other hand, is arrogant because he is convinced that he always acts well or, at least, better than others. In this way he has little tolerance for criticism and unfavorable opinions.


Boxer Floyd Mayweather has been criticized for being conceited.

Examples among celebrities

The boxer Floyd Mayweather is a personality that, according to the characteristics he exhibits before the media and publicly, can be described as conceited. He usually makes fun of his rivals, flaunts his good technique and even frequently portrays himself surrounded by wads of cash to show off his enormous wealth.

The singer Justin Bieber also appears to be someone who is conceited. Many times he has had attitudes of contempt towards his admirers, refusing to be photographed with them or even to greet them.

The concept of conceited in literary works

In the same way, we cannot ignore that the term conceited that concerns us now has been used on numerous occasions in the cultural field to give titles to different works. This would be the case, for example, of the novel “Capullo engreído”, which is an erotic and romantic novel written by Alena García. Specifically, we can establish that this is the first part of the “Russian Mafia” saga.

Likewise, there is also the novel "The Cocky One", which is written by JS Cooper and which takes as its protagonist Rhett, a man who describes himself as cocky because he believes he is the best, because he boasts of having any woman he wants and because He thinks all his friends are envious of him.

He has never fallen in love with any of the women he has been with and boasts of not wanting a romantic commitment. However, all that changes in her life when her friend gives her the news that she is going to move. He has never had anything with her, except that she was the one who gave him his first kiss, but that situation is going to make him rethink his existence.