Definition of


The adjective cumbersome is used to describe what is arduous or tedious . Cumbersome activities are usually carried out out of obligation , without the person feeling interest or attraction to them.

cumbersomeFor example: “Ironing clothes is very cumbersome for me, but you have to do it since good appearance is important in my work” , “The procedures that have to be carried out when buying a used car are somewhat cumbersome” , “The boss He sent me to organize the file: how cumbersome!” .

Among the synonyms of cumbersome we find heavy, unpleasant, arduous, annoying and even annoying. On the contrary, among its antonyms we can highlight some such as easy, light, simple or pleasant.

Typically individuals try to avoid cumbersome tasks. However, there are many actions that must be carried out, no matter how boring they are, since, once carried out, they provide some type of benefit or allow us to fulfill some obligation .

Washing dishes after dinner , for example, can be cumbersome. But if the dishes that were used on the table are not washed, the next day they will obviously still be dirty and cannot be used again. Therefore, at some point they will have to be washed or they will never be in usable condition again. In short, it is preferable to complete the cumbersome task of washing them as soon as possible so that they are available for a new meal.

The domestic sphere is where everyone agrees that there are more cumbersome tasks. Hence, there are always individuals who try to avoid doing them so that other people who live with them can take care of them. And that can lead to numerous conflicts not only between members of a couple but also between members of a family.

Specifically, the latest studies carried out have made it clear that the ten tasks that have to be done at home that are considered the hardest are cleaning the oven, cleaning the bathrooms, ironing clothes, cleaning the windows, deep cleaning the refrigerator, fold the clothes that have been washed and dried, remove the dust from the furniture and even establish the meal menu for the entire week.

In the workplace, it is very common to use the term cumbersome. In this case, it is usually used to mention those tasks that no one wants to do because they are very arduous or heavy, for example.

It is common for there to be people who seem to always have the “ability” to be in charge of undertaking these cumbersome tasks. Therefore, what they must do is be alert to detect them and they must make their bosses see that they are overloaded with work and cannot take on more tasks.

Sometimes, you have to comply with bureaucratic issues that are also cumbersome, although they are mandatory. A self-employed worker must register and then submit sworn statements periodically to report their income to the treasury and pay the corresponding taxes . Although this may be difficult or annoying, it is essential to stay in order.