Definition of



Anger is a mood disturbance that generates anger or fury.

Anger is a mood alteration that causes indignation , fury and/or desire for revenge or revenge . The concept is used as a synonym for anger . For example: "Has your anger over this morning's argument still gone away?" , "A question from the journalist caused the deputy to get angry," "Juan's anger arose because his boss prevented him from leaving the office early to pick up his daughter from school."

A person can get angry for multiple reasons. Suppose two businessmen agree to meet at a bar to discuss a possible business agreement. One of these executives arranges his activities for the day and arrives on time for the appointment: the other, however, does not appear. After waiting for more than an hour, the man at the bar calls his colleague to find out what is happening and he tells him that he will not be able to attend the meeting because he is very busy. The response provokes the anger of the individual who waited in vain and wasted his time .

Anger can be expressed in different ways: with shouting , insults or even physical attacks . In any case, there are those who try not to express their anger, keeping their emotions to themselves.

How to reverse anger

Given the multiplicity of reasons that can generate anger, there are also endless ways to reverse it. When someone commits some type of mistake and makes another person angry, it is common for them to ask for forgiveness to correct the mistake. Usually, apologies are enough for the anger to fade little by little.

In any case, sometimes apologies are not enough to calm other people's anger, and this is due neither to the seriousness of the offense nor to the way in which the apologies are expressed, but to some disorder of the person receiving them. We are used to living ignoring the health problems that we have not suffered nor have our loved ones suffered, both physical and mental , especially the latter. For this reason, when we face them we are usually not prepared mentally or emotionally.

For a person with a psychological problem, such as borderline personality disorder, a situation like the one described above in which they are forced to wait in vain for someone who will never arrive for their appointment can lead to a whirlwind of anger and aggression that many times exceeds the angry reaction considered "normal."


Anger can be expressed through hitting.

Indicators associated with culture

Although it is possible to measure different variables of the organism to determine the degree of anger of a person, just as there are indicators of other moods, such as joy and fear, we cannot deny that natural perception varies largely according to with purely cultural issues. In other words, the same reaction can be interpreted in several different ways, depending on the origin of the observer.

This can be easily verified if we compare the anger of an Italian individual with that of a Japanese individual, for example, when faced with the same situation: most likely, the former will unleash a series of expletives and gestures, at the same time that his blood flows strongly and swell the veins in his neck, while the second timidly expresses his discontent and seeks a peaceful solution.

These cultural differences are within the limit of normality, although each party may find it difficult to understand the behavior of the other. However, when personality disorders come into play, society tends to be easily frightened: if instead of bawdy words and offensive gestures, common in hot-blooded countries, the reaction included physical attacks and threats, the public tolerance would be considerably reduced.