Definition of


CharmThe concept of charm can be used in different ways. The term is used with reference to the individual, animal, place or object that is striking due to its beauty or attractiveness .

For example: "That baby is lovely!" , "I congratulate you: your son is a delight, this morning he helped me carry the bags from the market" , "The charm of this hotel is undeniable, I would stay a whole month enjoying its comforts" .

That or that which is considered a charm is pleasant to see or deal with . A person can be described in this way when they are physically beautiful or when they stand out for their kindness and courtesy. A place, on the other hand, is considered a charm if it fosters pleasant sensations or positive emotions.

Having charm refers to having characteristics or properties that cause the aforementioned effects: "This beach has a very particular charm" , "Despite the passing of the years, the construction did not lose its charm" , "We have charm because we put effort into creating of original choreographies to accompany our songs .

The expression "a very particular charm" is widely used in our language to refer to a series of very positive characteristics that make an object or subject unique. If we talk about a beach, as in the example in the previous paragraph, this series of features can revolve around the calm it offers to its visitors during the day, the clarity of its waters, the plant and animal species that inhabit it. or its climate, among other issues. In the case of a person it could be their charisma, their kindness or their sense of humor.

Charm is subjective , and therefore we cannot expect that all observers will perceive it in the same object or subject. On the one hand, each individual measures it according to their own personality, since it depends on their tastes and needs whether the characteristics noted generate positive or negative feelings. But it may also be a cultural issue; Let's not forget that in every part of the world there are codes that define the traits of something or someone that can be considered charming.

CharmIn some cultures , a young person feeling consideration for an elderly woman and helping her carry a bag or cross the street is today a rare and admirable situation; However, in others it is one of the basic rules of behavior in society. This leads us to the fact that in the first case we can describe her as "a charm" for her compassionate attitude, while in the second the local people see her as something absolutely normal.

With respect to personal issues, everyone has their own way of being and their expectations regarding others, and this explains why the same person can be described in different ways depending on the observer. For example, for someone with a very calm personality , who escapes noise whenever they have the opportunity, a very talkative individual may seem annoying, while for another they may be charming because they liven up meetings and avoid awkward silences.

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), charm can also be used as a synonym for enchantment : the act and result of enchanting (influencing through magic, seducing through a natural gift).

Encanto , finally, is the name of an area of ​​San Diego , a city that is part of California ( United States ). The Orange line that belongs to the San Diego Streetcar has a station in this place, known as Encanto Station/62nd Street due to its location.