Definition of



Someone who is inveterate is stubborn or tenacious.

In order to know the meaning of the term inveterate, it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can determine that it derives from “impede”, which is the result of the sum of the following components:

-The prefix “en-”, which can be translated as “within”.

-The noun “pedernal”, which means “hard”.

-The ending “-ir”, which is used to indicate a verbal ending.

Concept of inveterate

Inveterate is an adjective that is used to describe someone who has a habit or routine ingrained in their being . This leads him to repeat behaviors or actions on a daily basis , making it very difficult for him to modify this characteristic of his personality.

Among the synonyms of inveterate we can highlight both cruel and ruthless, hardened, inexorable and implacable. On the contrary, among antonyms it is moderate.

For example: “My grandfather is an inveterate worker: he is 85 years old and continues to tend his store as he has for six decades” , “The singer is an inveterate seducer who always shows his gallantry” , “I am an inveterate traveler, I can't be more for four or five months in the same place because I feel like I'm drowning."


A heavy smoker cannot quit smoking.

Tenacity or obstinacy

As can be seen in the examples , the idea of ​​inveterate is linked to tenacity or obstinacy . If a man who is old enough to retire and rest continues to work, he can be classified as a “hard worker.” He who cannot avoid trying to seduce people who generate a certain romantic interest, on the other hand, is an “inveterate seducer.” As for the individual who experiences a great love of travel, he is defined as an “inveterate traveler.”

The fact of being inveterate is neither positive nor negative in itself: it depends on the context. Someone who is a “heavy smoker” has a problem because, by not being able to give up the habit, they are likely to suffer major health problems. In this case, being inveterate is harmful. On the other hand, an “inveterate reader” can obtain benefits from this consistency in the activity, since reading provides knowledge, allows creativity to be developed and helps to exercise memory.

The individual inveterate in sentimental ties

In the same way, we cannot ignore that it is also often said that a man is a “hopeless romantic.” It is established that he is when he does not hesitate to continually show his partner that he loves him; who continually kisses and hugs the person he loves; who considers that the best plan with their partner is a dinner with good wine and some candles, or who frequently sends their partner notes and messages of love.

In addition, there is also talk of a man being a “confirmed bachelor” when, as an adult, he does not hesitate to reject commitment and prefers to have sporadic relationships without any type of formality. That decision may be out of conviction, because they want to continue enjoying maximum freedom and do not want to live together as a couple, or simply because they are someone who does not feel ready to have a commitment or because they are immature for it.