Definition of



A liar is someone who deceives.

There are several existing theories about the etymological origin of the term liar . However, one of those that gains the most strength is the one that determines that it derives from French, exactly from the word empousteur , which can be translated as "person who deceives" and that emanates, in turn, from the Latin imposter , which is synonymous with "impostor".

The adjective liar is used to describe someone who commits lies : deceit, cheating. A deceitful individual, therefore, is a liar . For example: “We demand that the governor resign! “He is a liar!” , “Be careful with that liar, don't let him break your heart” , “This journalist is a liar who always misses the truth” .

Among the synonyms of liar we can highlight words such as liar, trickster, troller, lioso, fallacious and deceiver , for example. On the other hand, among the most notable antonyms are sincere, frank, clear, truthful and true .

Characteristics of a liar

A liar is a fake . These people lie for a specific purpose, usually taking advantage of a victim. The liar, in this context, resorts to tricks to achieve his goal.

Suppose a man offers a summer house for rent in a coastal town. By publishing an advertisement on the Internet , it states that the house is in excellent condition, is very spacious and has a view of the sea. A family decides to rent the property in question but, upon arrival, they find that the building is in poor building and hygiene conditions, it is small and you can only see some of the sea from the kitchen window. Faced with this reality, the father of the family becomes angry and accuses the owner of being a liar since he lied to secure the operation.

Someone who resorts to tricks to achieve romantic success is also classified as a liar. A young man who is married can go to a different bar every night and assure different women that he is single. He tells each girl that, upon seeing her, he fell in love and that he dreams of sharing life with her. Meanwhile, he explains to his wife that he must go out at night due to work obligations. It can be stated, in short, that the young man is a liar.


Someone who is a liar can be referred to as a liar.

A story by Asimov

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there is a famous story titled “Liar!” , which was written by Isaac Asimov . In 1941 was the publication of this work, framed within the genre of science fiction, which was presented for the first time in the magazine “Astounding Science Fiction” .

It revolves around the creation of a robot, the RB-34 ( Herbie ). Specifically, what happens is that a failure occurs during its manufacturing and that results in it becoming a very unique robot because it will be able to read people's minds. However, sometimes, in order to avoid hurting the sensibilities of some individuals, they lie about what they are thinking. But even though he acts that way to not hurt, in the end he manages to hurt just the same.