Definition of


The first step we are going to take to know the meaning of the term elude is to discover its etymological origin. In this case we can state that it derives from Latin, specifically it emanates from the verb “eludere”, which can be translated as “dodge” and that it is the result of the sum of the following two lexical components:

-The prefix “ex-”, which means “of” or “from”.

-The verb “ludere”, which is synonymous with “play” or “exercise”.

This verb refers to evade, ignore or circumvent something . For example: “I am not going to evade the responsibility that I have as president of this club” , “After eluding two defenders and the goalkeeper, the Uruguayan striker scored with the open goal and scored his team's first goal” , “The "The young man tried to avoid a police checkpoint but was detained a few meters later."

AvoidThe idea of ​​evasion can be used in relation to escaping from a problem or an obligation by using mischief , cunning or deception . A teenager can avoid submitting an assignment by convincing his teacher that he could not complete it because his grandmother fell ill the day before and had to accompany her to the hospital.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that this verb is also used within the fiscal and financial field. And it is used in this to give shape to the expression tax avoidance, which, as its name indicates, is used to refer to actions that are carried out to, using legal means, avoid or reduce the payment of certain taxes.

Basically what happens is that a person or company in question resorts to using what are the legal loopholes that exist in order to have to pay less taxes or directly to not have to pay the aforementioned taxes.

Specifically, avoiding taxes in this way is something that can be done by establishing the tax headquarters in a tax haven, proceeding to create a legal entity to which the properties are transferred, making use of legal imprecision, resorting to price manipulation of transfer and even opting for tax exemptions, the so-called reductions in the tax burden.

Avoidance can also be linked to avoiding an encounter with something or someone . A footballer who runs towards the opponent's goal with the ball at his feet must try to elude the opposing team's players. In this case, the action involves resorting to movements and feints to prevent the defenders from gaining control of the ball.

When a motorist drives on public roads, on the other hand, he or she has to avoid all obstacles - or stop in front of them, as the case may be - that appear on the road . If you do not avoid them or stop, a collision occurs. Suppose that, in the middle of a road, there is a huge rock: drivers have to avoid it if they do not want to crash.