Definition of


The etymological origin of the term choose that concerns us now is found in Latin. Specifically, we can state that it derives from “eligere”, which can be translated as “choose” and that it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The prefix “e-, ex-”, which is synonymous with “from among”.

-The verb “legere”, which is used to indicate “to choose”.

The term refers to selecting something or someone for a certain purpose or to achieve a certain objective .

ChooseFor example: “I don't know what to choose to eat: I'm between baked chicken or pasta…” , “When I decided to choose Anthropology, I didn't think it was going to be so complicated,” “When choosing a car, you must analyze which are the best alternatives available according to your budget.”

Choosing one thing usually means ruling out other options . Those who choose to spend their vacations in New York decide not to spend them in Barcelona , ​​Rome , Cancun or Tokyo , to name a few possibilities.

In everyday life, people are forced to make constant choices. Most of the time these are choices that do not have major consequences: what clothes to wear, what path to take to get to work, where to have lunch, etc. Other decisions, however, are more important and the individual must choose after having carefully analyzed all the alternatives.

If a couple, after saving for ten years, is looking for a house to buy, they should not choose the first home they see. This is a very important investment and, therefore, the risk of making the wrong decision must be minimized because its effects can be serious.

When you have to make a decision about choosing something important, such as a job, an issue related to a sentimental aspect, a house to live in... it is necessary to choose accurately, safely and taking into account the different situations. For this, it is recommended to follow the following steps:

-First, you have to be very clear about the objective you are pursuing or the intention you have.

-In addition, the information and data on each existing alternative must be kept in mind.

-In the same way, it is necessary to evaluate the positive aspects of each option and then, of course, the negative ones in order to be able to put both on a balance, symbolically speaking, and see which of them has more favorable aspects than in against.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that the expression choose at random also exists. It is used to determine that someone selects one option and not another without any criteria, simply because they draw lots. An example would be: “Ramón randomly chose the number he was going to play with in the lottery draw.”

The idea of ​​choosing, on the other hand, can refer to the appointment of a subject for a position or position . The president of a country chooses the ministers who are part of his government; the technical director of a football team, to the players who go out onto the playing field.