Definition of


Physical activity

Physical exercise contributes to well-being.

The word exercise has its origins in the Latin exercitĭum . It is the action of exercising, exercising or exercising . These verbs refer to practicing an art , a trade or a profession, although they can also refer to the fact of carrying out a certain action.

Exercise can be a set of body movements that are performed with the aim of improving physical condition: "Since I do exercises in the morning, I have managed to lose seven kilos." This is the most common use of the term: that is why, when someone simply says "I am going to do exercises" , it usually means that they will begin to do physical activities, such as jogging or doing sit-ups .

Benefits of physical exercise

In this way, we have to emphasize that the most common thing when talking about this meaning of the term in question is to mention what physical exercise is. This is a set of sports activities, of a muscular and skeletal type, with which it will not only be possible to achieve this improvement on a physical level but also helps to have good mental health.

Without forgetting either that exercising means improving the quality of sleep, strengthening our body at all levels, controlling hypertension or blood fats, as well as having well-being in cases where we have asthma, diabetes, stress due to pregnancy…

school homework

An exercise can be a task or a school activity that contributes to the acquisition of knowledge.

Development of intellectual faculties

The exercises also refer to those activities that are carried out to acquire, enhance or preserve some intellectual faculty : "I have to do more exercises until I understand precisely what the teacher explained."

In this sense, an exercise is a practical work that allows the verification of theoretical teaching: «I want you to do a writing exercise where you demonstrate that you have learned the use of B and V» , «I have not been able to solve the exercises that "The teacher left us as homework."

In this way, it is normal that in the different classes of educational centers of different levels, teachers, once they have explained the theoretical part of a lesson, proceed to carry out exercises in class with the students so that they can better assimilate the knowledge and to that they learn to execute them properly.

Concept of exercise in the military, corporate and religious field

In the military environment , the movements with which soldiers are trained and formed are known as exercises.

On the other hand, we can say that a fiscal year is a period of time in which a company or organization divides its activities, usually economic: "We have closed the last fiscal year with large losses."

All of this without forgetting that there is what is known as spiritual exercises, which are those carried out by people who, for several days, isolate themselves and temporarily distance themselves from their environment and their routine to dedicate themselves to relaxing, meditating and praying. Specifically, it is common for members of different religious congregations to carry out this activity.