Definition of


To know the meaning of the term shower, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from the French word “douche” which, in turn, comes from the Italian “doccia”, which means “water pipe”. However, the latter emanates from Latin, exactly from “ducta”, which can be translated as “conducted water”.

This term, in turn, came to Spanish as shower : the act and result of showering .

ShowerThis verb (to shower), in turn, refers to getting wet or wet with water that falls from above , generally with the aim of washing or cooling off . Taking a shower or taking a shower is therefore equivalent to bathing .

A shower is called, in short, when water falls on the body with the purpose of cleaning it. This fall can be done through a jet or as rain . The device that allows this process to be carried out is also known as a shower.

For example: “I'll take a shower before dinner,” “The buildup of limescale is blocking the water outlet of the shower,” “I was taking a shower when the phone rang, that's why I couldn't take your call.”

The main characteristic of the shower is that the subject remains standing under the water, unlike what happens when someone takes an immersion bath. With the shower, on the other hand, the water that falls does not accumulate but is directed towards the drain directly.

More and more people are choosing to take a shower instead of a bath because the former brings with it a long list of advantages, among which we can highlight the following:

-It is a way to save a significant amount of water.

-No less relevant is that the shower allows you to use cold water and hot water while in the bathtub there is already water with a specific temperature. Precisely for this reason, the first option is considered a great way to activate blood circulation in the legs.

-The shower helps activate the body, especially in the morning, to face the hard day at work.

In the same way, it stands out that a shower is the best alternative to stay clean and refresh when you don't have much time.

In addition to what is indicated, more and more bathrooms in homes have showers and not bathtubs. This is because the former take up much less space, require less maintenance, have a cheaper price and can be used more easily by older people or people with mobility problems.

In a home, the shower is located in the bathroom , protected by a curtain or screen so that the water does not wet the rest of the room. There are also public showers in gyms, sports clubs, swimming pools and other places. Depending on the place and custom, the person can shower naked or in a bathing suit.