Definition of


charismatic domination

Charisma is a determining factor in domination.

Domination , whose etymological root is found in the Latin word dominatio , is the act and result of dominating : exercising dominion (power, control) over someone or something.

Authority or command

The concept of domination can be used to refer to the authority or command that the person who holds sovereignty has over a region or an entity. The term usually refers specifically to the imposition of a position or order , and not to consensus or democratic rules.

For sociology , in fact, domination occurs when a group or an individual is in a position to impose their beliefs, their visions and their ideas either by force, through threats or even through persuasion. This submission is based on the fear of those who are dominated, who fear retaliation or losing their means of survival.

Domination implies an unequal relationship . There is someone who dominates, establishing the conditions , and another who is subordinate.

charismatic domination

Charismatic domination is called, also in the field of sociology, that which occurs mainly through practically absolute submission to someone who, for different reasons, assumes the role of the "dominator." For example, the latter may have carried out some very beneficial act for the dominated person, which may have saved his life, or it is possible that he exhibits certain personality traits that make him stand out as an example to follow.

We can point out three fundamental aspects of charismatic domination, which serve to distinguish it from other forms. Let's start with the obedience that the dominated person gives to the dominator (note that both parties can be represented by an individual or a group). In this case, what prevails is the charisma of the latter, much more than any other characteristic, and it is thanks to this innate resource that he manages to stand out and, consequently, offer something unprecedented that is difficult to reject.

Let us not forget that charisma is something we are born with and that has a decisive influence on the dynamics of a social group: those who have this trait in their personality (which always appears together with an extraordinary capacity for persuasion) usually position themselves as the boss. or leader of the groups he is part of, since others feel a certain security if he is in charge. Another point to keep in mind is that there must be a series of conditions that allow the dominator to achieve his role and exercise his power; It does not come out of nowhere, but rather takes advantage of a social situation to act and attract the attention of its potential followers.

Finally we must mention the inevitable instability experienced by the head of charismatic domination. Although it achieves a degree of loyalty far above normal, the history of humanity shows us that this does not last forever. For this reason, the dominator is forced to renew the confidence of his followers through victories to justify his permanence in power.

Domination in sport

The superiority of one sports team over another is associated with domination.

for sport

It is possible to find situations of domination in different areas. In the field of sports , for example, domination is associated with the superiority of one team over another. If a soccer team defeats its rival 8 to 0, it can be said that its domination was very marked.

economic domination

At the economic level, domination arises when a company can influence the market structure through its financial resources or its political influence. When the company in a situation of dominance takes advantage of its privileged position to the detriment of the rest of the actors, an abuse of a dominant position occurs, a fault contemplated in competition law.