Definition of



Christian doctrine lays the foundations for the development of this religion.

Doctrine , a term that comes from the Latin doctrīna , is the set of teachings that is based on a belief system .

These are the existing principles on a specific subject, generally with a claim to universal validity. For example: “Christian doctrine postulates the existence of a God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” “Private property is contrary to socialist doctrine and must be abolished from our society.”

Doctrine and dogma

The notion of doctrine is also linked to the body of a dogma (made up of certain and undeniable propositions) and to legislative principles . The teaching of doctrines and dogmas is known as indoctrination , a term that is usually used in a negative sense to refer to the reeducation of people in a context where space is not given to the plurality of opinions or the free search for knowledge . Totalitarian regimes and sects are responsible for indoctrinating their subjects.

This shows a difference between indoctrination (which seeks to impose doctrines) and education (which wants to instruct the person so that they are in a position to analyze knowledge and determine on their own the validity of the information).

Legal system

In law, the doctrine affects the legal system of a region.

The concept in law

In the field of law , a legal doctrine is a concept supported by jurists and that influences the development of the legal system, although when they do not directly originate law.

Within this legislative and legal field, we must highlight the existence of what is known as the Parot doctrine. In 2006 it was established by the Supreme Court of Spain with the clear objective that terrorists who had been convicted of attacks committed between 1977 and 1995 could not leave prison before serving the maximum established sentence, which is 30 years old.

In this way, through this maxim, the terrorist Henri Parot, a member of the terrorist group ETA who was charged with the murder of a total of 82 people, was prevented from being released precisely in 2006.

This legal regulation, which in 2008 was ratified by the Constitutional Court of Spain, has been classified by the Strasbourg Human Rights Court as a violation of said rights in two specific points. Hence, it has urged the Spanish government to modify those points and release the terrorist Inés del Río Prada who, based on them, should have been released from prison after having redeemed sentences for years of work or of study during his years in prison. And this is what the Penal Code of 1973 established.

However, the Spanish government has made it perfectly clear not only that it is not going to release said criminal and murderer due to the risk of flight, but that it is also going to appeal to the Grand Chamber of the aforementioned European Court of Human Rights.

military doctrine

A military doctrine , finally, is the set of techniques, strategies, tactics and practices that constitutes a war.

Military doctrine proposes the steps to follow to win a war .