Definition of


Before proceeding to indicate the meaning of the term divagar, it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “divagari”, which can be literally translated as “to wander everywhere” and that it is the result of the sum of two very different parts:

-The prefix “di-”, which means “multiple divergence”.

-The verb “vagari”, which is synonymous with “wander”.

The most common use of rambling is linked to an expression that develops without a specific objective or a fixed direction . It may be the act of writing or speaking in this way.

RambleFor example: “Can you stop rambling? Get to the point” , “The man started talking about his work and ended up rambling” , “When the owner of the company started rambling, his employees looked at each other” .

Digressing can also refer to moving away from the main or central topic of a talk or speech . In colloquial language, it is said that someone who rambles “goes around the bush.”

Suppose a soccer player is invited to a school to talk to students about the importance of maintaining healthy habits and taking care of their bodies . The athlete starts his talk referring to his diet and physical exercise, but then begins to tell what his childhood was like and describe the neighborhood of his childhood . As he moved away from the topic that motivated his visit to the educational establishment, it can be said that the footballer dedicated himself to rambling without realizing it.

Generally, the act of rambling is involuntary : the person becomes distracted or loses concentration and does not realize that he is alluding to things that have nothing to do with his original communication. However, sometimes it rambles on purpose to confuse the interlocutor. If a mother demands that her son explain why he came home late last night, the boy may begin to ramble so as not to focus on the real reason.

Different studies and research have been carried out around wandering. And precisely one, carried out by Harvard University under the direction of Daniel Gilbert and Matthew Killingsworth, has indicated that people who wander the most are less happy. And the fact is that rambling has a more direct influence on your mood than on the work you are carrying out while it is being carried out.

It is considered that to avoid wasting time wandering, a person has several measures that they can take:

-Detect what causes your mind to start thinking about other things or go around in circles.

-In the same way, it is considered necessary to rest and dedicate time to tasks that you really like.

-In addition, it is also considered useful to close your eyes and think about something else as well as having a good attitude.

Finally, we can establish that among the synonyms of rambling we find reflecting, wandering, wandering, dispersing, getting tangled, deviating...On the contrary, among the antonyms we find stopping, specifying or even specifying.