Definition of



Distracted driving can be fatal.

In order to determine the etymological origin of the term distraction that concerns us now, we would have to go to Latin. And it is in the word distractio , where that one is found. However, we cannot ignore that it, in turn, emanates from the verb distrahere , composed of two parts: the prefix dis- , which is synonymous with “separation or divergence”, and the verb trahere , which means “to pull or drag”. .

Distraction is the action and effect of distracting . This verb refers to entertaining, amusing or diverting someone's attention from what it was applied to or to which it should be applied.

For example: “Due to a defensive distraction, the home team lost one to zero and was eliminated” , “The boss is very angry and said he will not tolerate another distraction” , “Last night I had a distraction and I burned myself with oil while cooking.” ” .

Distracted driving

When we talk about distractions, we must be clear that there are many and in very diverse fields. However, the ones that are most often talked about are those that are carried out when you are behind the wheel of a vehicle. These can cause not only the car to leave the road but also a collision with another car, being hit or even suffering another type of serious accident. All of these situations can lead to anything from material damage to far-reaching physical injuries and even the death of the people involved.

Among the most common distractions that drivers have and that cause the greatest number of accidents are the following:

• Be using GPS.

• Talk on the mobile phone or send a WhatsApp.

• Turn on the radio as well as increase or decrease its volume.

• Eat or drink.

• Light up a cigarette as well as smoke in general.

• Look for any type of object that is needed in the glove compartment.

• Go singing or talking with other passengers.

• Look in the interior rearview mirror to apply makeup.


A hobby or recreational activity can be referred to as a distraction.

a hobby

Distraction, therefore, is something that attracts a person's attention . When someone is distracted, they stop paying attention to something and drift toward the new point of interest. There are distractions sought on purpose, distractions that are harmless, and distractions with consequences that can be very dangerous.

In the first group, we can mention games or shows that allow relaxation and rest. In this case, the person consciously seeks to distract themselves to put aside everyday worries, at least for a while. Attending a play, watching television or reading a magazine are common distractions.

Unintentional distractions

In the set of involuntary distractions, we can find different actions that do not have major consequences . Washing the same pants twice, leaving the television on when leaving the house or not knowing where a shirt is stored are minor distractions.

Other distractions, on the other hand, can be risky and even fatal , such as leaving a baby alone in a bathtub with water or the aforementioned talking on the phone while driving a car.