Definition of



Distinction can be used as a synonym for recognition or award.

Distinction is a term that comes from the Latin distinctĭo and that refers to the procedure and result of distinguishing . This verb, for its part, indicates the knowledge of the difference between two or more things; the act of making something distinctive; or the demonstration of the high esteem felt by an individual.

The distinction, therefore, is that difference that makes a certain thing not equal to another. For example: "There is no distinction between this car and the previous model" , "The microprocessor helps distinguish this computer from machines from other manufacturers" , "I find it difficult to establish a distinction between both products" .

Distinction as recognition

In another sense, distinction is the award or title granted to someone and the material object that represents the honor granted. The concept can be used as a synonym for an award : «The Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa received the highest distinction in the world of letters last year» , «The Uruguayan soccer player traveled to Switzerland to receive his distinction as the best player in the world championship» , « The deputy's work in defending human rights deserved a distinction from a non-governmental organization .

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that distinction is a term that is used to describe that a person or institution has special regard or consideration for a specific person.

In addition to all of the above, we must also highlight that the concept we are analyzing is also used to refer to what are distinctions in military matters. And in this sector it is used to differentiate uniforms.


Distinction, in some contexts, is associated with elegance .

Rise above the vulgar or ordinary

The distinction also refers to rising above the ordinary or vulgarity .

Someone or something distinguished stands out for being elegant: «The Real Madrid striker once again showed off his distinction with several dream plays» , «The count behaved with distinction during the gala and caused admiration among those present» , «Laura "She is a rude, clumsy and undistinguished woman who embarrasses the family."

Analytical-synthetic distinction

In the field of philosophy it is important to emphasize that there is what is known as the analytical-synthetic distinction. Specifically, with this concept, what is expressed is the difference that exists between synthetic propositions, which require investigation to determine whether they are true or false, and analytical propositions.

The latter are those that are identified by the fact that you simply need to know the terms they express, know their meaning, to determine their truth or falsity. A clear example of this kind of proposition can be "married women are not single." Thus, as we see, it would be worth knowing the meaning of those words to know that what is being expressed is absolutely true.

Two types, therefore, of propositions and consequently of distinction that throughout History have been studied and analyzed by various authors and thinkers. Among them we should highlight the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, the German logician Gottfried Leibniz and the Scottish economist David Hume.