Definition of



The idea of ​​layout can refer to the organization of something or the location of its components.

The act and result of disposing is called disposition : determining, ordering or preparing something. With etymological roots in the Latin dispositio , disposition can be used in different ways and in various contexts .

For example: “The Secretary of Production put his resignation at the disposal of the mayor” , “A new regulation of the municipality prohibits merchants from delivering plastic bags” , “I don't like the arrangement of the furniture, let's better look for other alternatives .

The disposition as an organization

When we talk about the arrangement of certain material objects within a physical space, we are referring to the way in which they have been located together, beyond the specific position of each one. In the example above, the speaker is unhappy with the overall outcome of the furniture placement in the room, something that in some contexts could be referred to simply as "the decor ."

Layout can be the distribution or organization of the components of something. In this sense, we usually talk about the layout of the rooms in a house (two rooms on the ground floor and another on the upper floor, to mention one possibility).

We can also refer to the arrangement of words within a sentence, for example, if we notice that the placement of different parts together affects the meaning of the message.


A norm or rule set by an authority is called a provision.

A norm or rule

Disposition is usually used as a synonym for rule or norm . In this case, the provisions are regulatory precepts established by an authority and that must be complied with according to their scope. The board of directors of a club, to cite one case, can institute a provision that prohibits members who owe a fee from using the entity's facilities.

This use of the term provision occurs in everyday speech, although if we delve into the technical language of law we find that its meaning is much more precise: it is used to refer to a linguistic statement as it has been articulated in a legal act , the which is usually expressed in writing. It is important to note that a provision does not always coincide with any part of the regulatory text, such as a paragraph or an article.

Each interpreter, or even oneself at various times in one's life, can extract different norms from the same provision. This may occur because the provisions generally allow for more than one interpretation or, in the words of the Austrian-born jurist and philosopher Hans Kelsen , it opens the doors to a framework of possible meanings. This potential variety when reading a provision occurs especially when it is not considered in isolation but within the context of the legal system to which it is linked.

Be available

The expression “to be available” , on the other hand, refers to being prepared to carry out an action or to being ready for something. If a footballer asks for leave due to family problems and three days later reports that he is now available to the coaching staff again, it means that the coach can call him back.

In a similar sense, the owner of a restaurant makes the complaints book available to customers when he leaves the book in question within reach of diners so that, if they wish, they can express their discomfort or make a complaint.

A formal way to express this idea is through the phrase “I remain at your/your entire disposal” , very common in formal letters. Although it is not an absolute truth, since the sender would probably not do whatever the interlocutor asked of him, it is an expression of courtesy that demonstrates the willingness to satisfy his wishes, usually in the workplace or student environment (a employee to his employer or a student to a teacher).