Definition of


ProvideThe Latin word disponĕre became, in our language , to dispose . It is a verb that refers to ordering, decreeing or specifying something . For example: “If the people elect me as president of the club, I will make entry to the stadium free for all members,” “The inspectors closed the restaurant because it did not have an emergency exit,” “The coach can now “have the players who had traveled with the national team.”

The action of disposing can refer to the making of a decision by someone with a certain authority . Whoever disposes, in this case, commands or gives instructions. The owner of a company , to cite one case, can establish that, as of a certain date, smoking is prohibited inside the facilities. The technical director of a football team, for his part, is in a position to ensure that players cannot access social networks in the middle of training and matches.

In this case, disposing is an action that denotes a certain power on the part of the person who performs it over another, who must obey their decisions to avoid a sanction. It does not matter if it is an established and officially delimited hierarchy, such as there may be in a company or a government, or implicit, such as the one we appreciate in the family: it is always the most powerful figure that takes the decisions. decisions that affect all the others.

Here we enter somewhat delicate terrain since the modern vision of power and hierarchies has changed substantially in recent decades, especially within the family environment, but also in formal relationships. Many of the attitudes and actions that in the not-so-distant past were considered normal and necessary to maintain order, today are seen as examples of unnecessary and reprehensible violence .

Arranging, on the other hand, can be linked to making preparations or allowing the use of something : “Everything is ready for the game to get underway,” “If you need it, you can use the room on the upper floor to meet with your clients.”

ProvideArranging a series of material objects in a space refers to placing them in certain positions with an overview of the result. For example, if we have our computer, speakers, books, notebooks and pencils on our desk, the individual position of each one does not matter but that of all of us together.

The arrangement is often carried out to pursue order . Just as in the case of the items on the desk, we also usually arrange the plates and cutlery on the table before eating, the furniture in their respective rooms when we move, and the clothes in the closets.

Regarding its main difference with the verb put , dispose is not usually used to talk about a single object since, as mentioned before, it refers to the way in which two or more have been placed: we do not arrange a plate on the table, but rather we put it, although we do put or arrange two or more. In the latter case, they do not mean the same thing either, since placing the dishes does not imply an interest in the location of all of them but rather of each one in particular.

Another meaning of having something is associated with having something or counting on it : “Having access to the sea would be very important for the Bolivian economy,” “If you choose to hire our service , you will have technical assistance 24 hours a day, every day.” of the year” , “We need to have reliable data to be in a position to define what to do with the project” .