Definition of


castle in the clouds

A nonsense is something incoherent, meaningless.

Dislate is a term that is used as a synonym for nonsense . The term refers to that which is absurd , irrational or misguided .

Some examples

Let's see this term in context through the following example sentences: "I found the governor's speech to be nonsense full of inconsistencies and ambiguities " , "The victim's lawyer assured that the judge's ruling is a legal nonsense" , "For “Because of the pandemic we are going through situations that are truly absurd.”

In the first example, the sender believes that the governor's speech does not have a defined form , that it is not reliable since it contradicts itself and does not express the message precisely. If it were the informal story of a friend there would be no problem with its lack of coherence , but when the words come from a political leader, from someone who has part of the future of a country in his hands, it is really worrying.

Secondly, we have the criticism that a lawyer issued to the sentence issued by the judge, ensuring that it is a "legal nonsense." In other words, what it means is that his decision is not supported from a technical point of view, that it does not seem to arise logically from the bases of law but rather from a whim.

Finally, the speaker of the third sentence says that because of a pandemic the world is experiencing nonsense, a series of situations that do not seem real . The lack of preparation of governments to deal with problems of this nature is the main cause of disorganization, because they are taken by surprise and have to race against the clock while thousands of people become infected.

More uses

Suppose that a man who is obese and who has never been physically active announces that he will participate in a marathon . The subject does not plan to go to a doctor or undergo a prior checkup, but will simply run. Faced with this situation, his friends try to dissuade him, telling him that his decision is a nonsense that could put his life at risk.

Take the case of the mayor of a town of 500 inhabitants who plans to build a sports stadium with capacity for 10,000 spectators , when the town lacks basic services and does not even have a hospital. The communal chief, however, maintains that the initiative could help attract tourists, something that other political leaders do not believe is feasible. That's why many think that the mayor's idea is nonsense .

In both cases, we can appreciate one of the nuances of the word dislate understood as "nonsense": although they adjective a situation with a negative connotation , there is a well-defined underlying reason, which does not respond to arbitrary contempt but to a concern for the other or to the conviction that his plan is not feasible.

Many coins on a table

A nonsense can also mean "a lot of money."

A great deal

The notion of nonsense can also be used, colloquially, to refer to an immense amount or magnitude: “The artist charged a crazy amount to perform live at the National Theater,” “I had to walk a crazy amount to find an open pharmacy.” ” , “I am not willing to pay a crazy amount for a product that I don't think is so good” .

In all three examples, the term is used in a negative sense, although to different degrees, referring to an amount that exceeds what is normal or acceptable . Perhaps the first is the most ambiguous, since the money an artist receives for performing live responds to a structure that he did not design, even though it is higher than what many people earn in their entire lives. However, walking too much when we need medicine or paying a large sum for a mediocre product are not acceptable situations.