Definition of


Although there are different theories about the etymological origin of the term dysphoria, the truth is that the one that gains the most prominence is the one that establishes that it comes from Greek, since it is the result of the sum of two components of said language: the conjunction "dys", which It is used to indicate denial, and the verb "pherein", which can be translated as "endure."

The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) does not include the term dysphoria in its dictionary. However, the concept is frequently used in the field of psychology to refer to a sensation opposite to euphoria (a joy or enthusiasm of great intensity).

DysphoriaDysphoria is an emotion that is annoying, uncomfortable or bothersome . It can be linked to irritability and even sadness , developing as a reaction to a certain stimulus, fact or event.

Sometimes dysphoria appears in the context of a depressive condition . It is a condition linked to different psychological disorders that is triggered by a crisis and is usually associated with grief.

It can be a symptom of an anxiety disorder , depression , schizophrenia or even a withdrawal syndrome . Depending on its origin, the treatment can be developed in different ways.

In addition to all of the above, it is important to know another series of relevant aspects about dysphoria, such as the following:

-It can be experienced at certain times and not at others. What's more, it is considered that even everyone may have suffered from dysphoria at some point in their life for very different reasons.

-It is considered that dysphoria that is related to emotional disorders becomes an important risk factor for suicide.

-A sentimental breakup, the loss of a loved one, very stressful situations, the death of a partner are some of the causes that can bring about dysphoria. However, we must not overlook that certain health problems and even nutritional deficiencies can cause it.

-No less relevant is knowing that there are different conditions associated with dysphoria, in addition to depression, as we have already mentioned. We are referring to cyclothymia, which is a disorder that occurs when a person experiences emotional ups and downs in a short period of time, or anxiety disorder, among others.

Gender dysphoria , for example, is a psychiatry diagnosis that applies to individuals who experience dysphoria regarding their biologically assigned sex and gender identity. In other words: this dysphoria arises when the person does not feel like themselves or identify with their gender. When a human being with a man's body feels like a woman or vice versa, they suffer from gender dysphoria.

It is important to keep in mind that the definition of gender dysphoria has changed over time and is even often the subject of debate and controversy. It is currently not considered a mental disorder , but rather a significant discomfort that is linked to gender. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the subject may decide to undergo surgery to adapt their biological sex to their gender identity.