Definition of


ReasonThe verb discourse , which has its etymological origin in the Latin word discoursere , has several meanings. The concept can refer to the action of creating, imagining or drawing something .

For example: “Don't worry, I'm going to come up with a method so we don't waste time,” “The sales manager promised to come up with a procedure that will allow us to get to the points of sale faster,” “We have to come up with a plan to get out .” of this situation.”

Discuss can also refer to reflecting or thinking about a matter . By carrying out this action, we inevitably stop the development of another, whether it has begun before or is about to begin: “The young man acted without realizing that his decision was going to generate a risk for his companions,” “I spent several hours thinking about the problem and honestly I can't find any solution” , “Can you shut up for a second and discuss what you just proposed? "It's crazy."

Another meaning of the term is linked to the advancement of something in its development or in time : “The local supporters proposed to interrupt the course of the meeting, dissatisfied with the referee's rulings,” “The literary meeting is going to take place at the municipal cultural center.” throughout the afternoon” , “The conference was going on normally until the power went out” .

The action of running, finally, can refer to a physical movement : “The police authorities explained that the flow of the demonstration will take place along Central Avenue to the Plaza de Armas,” “The flow of the river was modified in the first decades of the 20th century with the construction of a dam” , “Accumulating in front of the door, dozens of curious people watched the progress of the teams that had already arrived at the hotel” .

By observing the synonyms of a term we can more easily understand the different nuances that it can represent, since many times it is not enough to know its meanings, but it is necessary to see it in context , in as many sentences as possible, so that it displays all its meanings. vertices. In this case, in addition to the synonyms that have been set out in the previous paragraphs, we can add the following: calculate, reason, cavil, deduce, conjecture, infer, suppose and meditate .

ReasonWe can use these words to delve deeper into the examples already presented, with the only exception of sentences in which discourse acts as a synonym for devise or create . However, to carry out these actions it is necessary to reason, calculate, conjecture, ruminate, meditate and, why not, assume, since one relies on certain assumptions and hypotheses throughout the creative processes.

When a person is ready to discuss a topic or problem, he or she adopts an open, flexible position that allows for unforeseen events and the opinions of others. This word does not usually have direct antonyms, but a trick to find constructions with opposite meanings is to look for the antonyms of a related term, such as the adjective reflexivo , from the family of the verb reflect , previously mentioned as one of the meanings of discourse : Someone "non-reflective" can be described as crazy, foolish, impulsive or thoughtless .

In this way, we have a tool to express the opposite meaning of the verb discourse . If we take the sentence "The young woman decided to think about her proposal before moving forward" and we want to reverse the subject's decision, we can choose "The young woman thoughtlessly moved forward "; The force of this construction is much greater than "he decided not to think."

With respect to the meanings that speak of a physical movement , some of the synonyms of course are: pass, flow, march, slide, walk, go, run and walk ; two possible antonyms in this case are stop and stop .