A disability is a condition that causes a person to be considered disabled . This means that the subject in question will have difficulties carrying out everyday and common tasks that, for the rest of the individuals, are not complicated. The origin of a disability is usually some disorder in the physical or mental faculties.
For example: "The authorities must take into account the needs of people with disabilities" , "In my case, disability has never been an excuse to stop doing things" , "Moving through these streets when you have a physical disability is almost impossible."
The perception of disability
Over the years, disability has been perceived in different ways by society . In the 20th century it was linked to a certain function that was classified as damaged in comparison to the general state of a subject. It could be a physical, intellectual or other type of disability, caused by a mental disorder or a chronic illness.
Based on the above, we have to emphasize that basically when we talk about physical disability we are referring to the absence or reduction of motor capabilities that a person has, which means that it is very difficult for them to carry out different activities of routine life.
Classification according to type
Problems during pregnancy or at birth, as well as various accidents that could have caused serious damage to your body, and specifically in areas such as the spinal cord, are some of the main causes that cause someone to have a physical disability . An example would be: "Manuel suffers a disability as a result of a traffic accident that now makes him use a wheelchair."
There is also what is known as mental disability . This specifically is what arises in a human being as a consequence of the fact that he or she is suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or Asperger's syndrome, among others. All of this means that he has difficulties when it comes to integrating and behaving in the social sphere.
And finally we have mental disability . This name refers to someone having mental development and functioning that is below average. For all this, we could establish that among people who have this type of disability would be those who have Down syndrome as well as all those who, due to problems during childbirth, traffic accidents or prenatal injuries, have seen their intellectual capacity diminished.
Disability and integration
In recent years, disability began to be considered from a human rights perspective. The objective became the integration of the disabled into the community, facilitating this based on the idea of accessibility.
This last concept ( accessibility ) contemplates the adaptation of environments and devices so that disabled people can use them in the same way as everyone else. For this, certain technical aspects need to be considered that reduce barriers for those who suffer from a disability (such as ramps for people who move in wheelchairs or traffic lights with sound for the blind).