Group dynamics are processes that are promoted in organizations to promote good relationships between their members and enhance teamwork . They consist of the implementation of group activities that aim to promote understanding and knowledge among participants.
Before moving forward, it is important to analyze the terms that make up the concept. The idea of dynamics , in this framework, refers to a system of forces or the intensity or energy of someone. A group , meanwhile, is a set of people, animals or elements.
Returning to the notion of group dynamics, it is associated with the interactions that maintain, in a certain framework, those who are part of a company or institution . In this communication that is established and in the cooperation that the subjects must establish, enriching experiences are generated.
What are group dynamics
It should be noted that there is no single definition of group dynamics. The concept, as we have already indicated, can refer specifically to the technique that seeks to contribute to group cohesion and the reduction of interpersonal conflicts , but it can also be understood in a broader way.
In this way, group dynamics can be considered as a field of study that aims to know and understand dynamic aspects of the functioning of a group . Starting from this premise, the discipline is of interest to all social sciences.
These analyzes emerged in the late 1930s in the United States , based on Gestalt theory . It was the psychologist Kurt Lewin ( 1890 – 1947 ) who launched the first research to go beyond individual behaviors when examining group phenomena.
The view of psychology
In psychology , therefore, a specialization developed that can be mentioned as group dynamics or group dynamics . It is dedicated to simultaneously studying the behavior of groups and the subjects that compose it, understanding that the group is the elementary unit of organization of the human being .
What these professionals do is provide an explanation of the changes that occur within the group as a consequence of different factors and conditions that influence the group and cause different reactions depending on each member . By understanding how a specific group works, it is possible to work to improve internal relationships and increase the individual satisfaction of the members, in turn increasing the effectiveness or productivity of the group.
Group dynamics in companies
It is common for companies to promote group dynamics to achieve satisfaction of needs and interests at an individual and collective level . Through this type of work, we try to obtain valuable information about the spontaneous formation of informal groups, the sense of belonging to the group and the roles assumed, for example.
Group dynamics in the company can be boosted in the recruitment stage . In this context, these are group interviews where candidates must interact and recruiters can study their development. Broadly speaking, it can be said that companies look for workers who have the skills to express themselves and communicate, show their own initiative, develop active listening and are willing to rely on potential colleagues.
Companies can produce different group dynamics to carry out their analyses. Brainstorming , round tables and conflict resolution are some of the most common. In these exercises, different scenarios are proposed and employees have to show their qualities to comply with the stated instructions.
It should be noted that group dynamics can be classified differently depending on their objectives. There are socialization dynamics (that work on coexistence and communication ), educational (for training purposes) and therapeutic (to resolve conflicts), among others.
The roles
Each person assumes a group role. There may be only one leader or there may be shared leadership , depending on the case. When there are multiple leaders, competition for command and authority often arises.
The person who the group structure assumes is responsible for failures and problems is classified as a scapegoat . The saboteur , meanwhile, is one who negatively affects group behavior and threatens the collective goal.
Examples of group dynamics
Among the group dynamics activities that are usually proposed in companies are role-playing games . In these cases, each participant is assigned a role that has to do with the reality of the entity so that they can manage different situations. The dynamic leads to individuals having to negotiate with each other, reach agreements, etc.
Scavenger hunts are another popular group dynamic. The workers are divided into teams and must follow various clues until they find the treasures. This requires collaboration and encourages group decision making.
Sports activities and escape rooms are other proposals that can be framed in corporate group dynamics.