Definition of



Procrastination can be used as a synonym for delay.

Delay , from the Latin dilatio , is a delay or tardiness of something for a certain time . It may also be a temporary detention . For example: “The train is delayed for more than an hour: we will not arrive until nightfall,” “The post office informed me that there is a delay in the delivery of parcels,” “I will not accept any more delays: the report must be delivered today.” same" .

Delays can occur in various areas. It is common to talk about delays in transportation systems. A plane that was supposed to depart at 10 a.m. from an airport and that just took off at 11:30 a.m. will arrive at its destination with a delay of an hour and a half. In a similar sense, if a train suffers an accident that stops it for twenty minutes, its arrival will be delayed.

Procrastination can also occur with respect to the delivery of something within a certain period . The owner of a company asks the accountant to present the monthly balance sheet before the 5th. If this date passes and the accountant does not deliver, he will have incurred a delay.

The term procrastination in a formal letter

When writing a formal letter, for example, it is common to use the expressions "without further delay", "without further delay" or "without further delay".

These phrases can mean "as soon as possible" (when you ask someone for something and you want there to be no delays in fulfilling it) or they can express that you want to conclude the message because all the important points have already been mentioned ("I'm not going into details." further").

An extension or dilation

The concept of dilation, on the other hand, can be used as a synonym for dilation , propagation or extension . Dilation, therefore, can refer to the increase in the surface area, length or volume of a body due to a separation of molecules due to a decrease in their density.

A metal subjected to high temperatures can expand and expand, a phenomenon known as thermal expansion .


Thermal dilation is the increase in length, volume, or other dimension of a body due to an increase in temperature.

thermal delay

Also known as thermal expansion , thermal dilation is a phenomenon that causes an increase in the volume, length or other dimension that can be measured of a physical body, when it is subjected to an increase in temperature. On the other hand, the opposite concept is called thermal contraction , and describes a decrease in some dimension due to lowering its temperature by any means.

When a particular dimension predominates in the process, then we speak of linear procrastination . On the other hand, there is area dilation , which occurs when a surface, such as a sheet of metal, grows evenly, proportionally increasing its dimensions; this results in an increase in area. The volumetric expansion coefficient is used to compare the volume of a body in the moments before and after the increase in temperature.

Causes of this phenomenon

What is the cause of procrastination? In solid bodies, their molecules are in a relatively fixed position within them and each of the atoms of the crystalline lattice vibrates with an amplitude of movement that depends on the total energy that they or the molecules possess. When they absorb heat, the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases (the chaotic, unordered movement that depends, in part, on temperature) and also the average amplitude of the vibration, since heat increases the total energy they possess. . All this results in the procrastination of a body .

In the case of gas, the phenomenon varies, since by absorbing heat, the average kinetic energy of its molecules grows and generates an increase in the pressure exerted on the walls of the container, so the change in volume depends mainly on the reaction of said walls.