Definition of

Field diary


In an investigation, the field diary allows to record facts that can be interpreted.

The field diary is an instrument used by researchers to record those facts that are susceptible to interpretation . In this sense, the field diary is a tool that allows the systematization of experiences and then the analysis of the results.

Each researcher has his or her own methodology when it comes to keeping a field diary. This can include developed ideas, isolated phrases, transcripts, maps and diagrams , for example. The important thing is that you can put into the diary what you see during your research process in order to interpret it later.

Stages in the development of a field diary

There are many tips from professionals in the scientific field about what it would be like to keep a field diary. However, the general steps that are usually established in this regard are to begin by carrying out a general observation, recording everything that is seen in that first contact (smells, sounds, climate, actions...) and describing the sensations and impressions that those elements cause in the scientist who is keeping the aforementioned diary.

However, for this document to be complete, exhaustive and useful, it is also recommended to include conclusions, differentiate between the general elements and the elements specific to the study, or note the observation periods in a chronological manner.

And all this without forgetting that it is extremely important to develop the diary through clear writing that is faithful to what is being observed. But of course, with the personal style that one has, because at the end of the day this diary is a document that will be useful to the author himself.


The field diary is built from the subjectivity of the researcher.

The subjectivity of the researcher

Of course, what is recorded in the field diary will not be reality itself, but reality seen through the eyes of the researcher, with his perceptions and worldview. Subjectivity comes into play from the moment the facts are recorded, and not only in their interpretation. That is why it can be said that, even if two researchers work together on the same subject, the field diaries of each of them will be different.

Experts recommend that the field diary be divided into two columns . In this way, the researcher can include on one side the observations he makes and, on the other, his impressions or conclusions. It is also recommended that, after the day , the researcher meets with his coworkers to share ideas that can be included in the diary.

From field diary to a book

It should be noted that the field diary is usually the first step in essays, reflections and books on the research in question.

Researchers who have to make their first field diary should know that there are manuals or books on the market that explain in a simple and very clear way how to carry out this task. This would be the case, for example, of the work entitled "Field Diaries" that was written by Juan M. García Jorba. In it, the reader is not only taught how to make this document but also better understands what the research process is.