Definition of


Old age

The deterioration of a human being can be caused by old age, illness or an accident.

The first thing we are going to do is proceed to determine the etymological origin of the word that concerns us now. When undertaking this task we find that it emanates from Latin, and more precisely from the verb deteriorare , which can be translated as "wear or worsen."

Deterioration is the action and effect of deteriorating or deteriorating (getting worse, spoiling, degenerating or putting something in an inferior condition). Deterioration is associated with decay and can refer to people, things or even abstract entities.

Deterioration of the human being

In the case of human beings, deterioration is usually mentioned as a consequence of the passage of time , an accident or an illness .

There is, therefore, some condition that leads the person to worsen their health, physical condition or mental capacity. For example: "My grandfather is quite well, although he suffers the logical deterioration of age" , "The artist has suffered from a degenerative disease for years and his deterioration is notable" , "The deterioration of his health increased after being affected by a hospital-acquired infection .


The deterioration of a construction or infrastructure can be seen in its poor condition.


All this without forgetting that there is what is known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It is specifically a step prior to dementia, which means that the sufferer sees how their abilities have worsened compared to what can be assumed due to their age.

Memory loss is, without a doubt, the main symptom experienced by people who suffer from this type of deterioration, which is more common among the population over 65 years of age. But not only in that, it will also be noticed that he is losing faculties in areas such as language or skills that have to do with vision and space.

However, there are other clear signs that an individual is suffering from this type of deterioration. Specifically, among those would be regularly losing objects such as keys or glasses, completely forgetting to attend important appointments or having to take more time when having a conversation because you can't find the right things. appropriate words for what you want to express.

It is important that when you notice these symptoms you go to the doctor because they indicate, in many cases, the onset of Alzheimer's.

The deterioration of objects and abstract things

Things, on the other hand, deteriorate due to the passage of time, weather conditions or use, among other factors. The façade of a house may be deteriorated when, despite the passage of years, maintenance or restoration has never been carried out on it.

A car parked outdoors for years, on the other hand, will also suffer deterioration due to the action of the sun, rain, etc. Those objects that are used intensively, such as pants, deteriorate as they reach their useful life: "I like this house, but its deterioration is evident" , "The humidity that comes from the sea had an impact on the deterioration of the car" , "I Another button came out of the shirt: it seems to me that its deterioration is already evident .

More abstract entities, such as society or morality , can also suffer deterioration: "That a person like González is a television star reflects the cultural deterioration of this town."