Definition of



A skill can be an ability or a talent.

Dexterity is a term that comes from dexterous . The concept refers to the capacity or ability to carry out an action or activity.

Whoever has the skill to do something, therefore, has the knowledge and expertise to carry it out in the appropriate way. Skills, therefore, are essential in all areas.

Different skills

There are multiple types of skills. Some are physical and are associated with motor skills and strength , while others are related to intellect .

Skills can generally be acquired or enhanced through study, training , and practice. However, there are talents that are innate: the Argentine Lionel Messi , to cite one case, was born with enormous skill in playing soccer . Since he was little, he had the opportunity to naturally perform certain plays and maneuvers that other people are not able to perform. On the other hand, no matter how much a soccer player tries his best, it is most likely that he will not be able to achieve the skills of this athlete.

Another issue to consider is that someone may demonstrate great skill in one discipline but completely lack mastery in another area. A great painter, to mention one possibility, can be a lousy pianist.


There are physical abilities and others that are associated with intellect.

Related terms

In common language, skill is used as a synonym for ability and aptitude . However, both have nuances and do not refer to exactly the same thing.

It is usually indicated that skill is the ability to carry out an activity in the correct way. When said activity is also carried out successfully, reference is made to the skill of the subject. The idea of ​​aptitude , meanwhile, refers to suitability for the task in question, while competence involves the acquisition of a skill for the execution of a task that is considered complex.

A young person can learn the proper technique to use the racket, hit the ball and thus play tennis , building the necessary skill. Skill, in this context, is associated with exploiting that ability to achieve the points that allow you to win a match. In a journalistic report, however, skill and dexterity are likely to be used without further distinction.

Job skills

In the professional or work field, beyond the specifics of each sector, skills are usually talked about when naming the qualities that a worker must have. These are attributes that are considered essential to contribute to the progress of a company .

Leadership , flexibility , resilience and creativity are some of these skills. It is also intended that the individual has communication skills : that is, that he is prepared to interact both internally and externally efficiently.

Although these skills are, broadly speaking, part of personality , it is possible to exercise and develop them. Sometimes you just need to act consciously or in a planned manner to deploy this arsenal. The important thing is that the employee can adapt to the requirements of the organization and exploit their potential to achieve their own growth and contribute to the advancement of the entity.