Definition of



The excessive is something exaggerated.

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term excessive , we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin since it is the result of the sum of two components of said language:

-The prefix des- , which means “reversal of action.”

-The Latin noun mensura , which is synonymous with “moderation” and “composure.”

Concept of excessive

The adjective disproportionate is used to describe that which is enormous or immense . The excessive, therefore, is greater or larger than usual .

For example: “I don't think it was a big deal, in my opinion your anger is somewhat excessive” , “The opposition denounced that there is disproportionate favoring by the government to its business friends” , “I think that sending someone who stole to jail eating some fruits constitutes an excessive punishment.”


Excessive anger can be described as excessive.

Some examples

Something excessive is exaggerated . Suppose that a man , at lunch time, decides to make himself a hamburger : he takes a slice of bread, places the meat and then adds ham, pancetta (bacon), three types of cheese, onion, cucumber, fried egg, chili peppers, tomato. , mustard and barbecue sauce. Finally, complete the sandwich with more meat medallions and another slice of bread. Given such a quantity of ingredients, it can be said that the subject prepared an excessive dish.

Take the case of a footballer who, in a moment of fury in the middle of a match, insults the judge . The athlete, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations , is expelled. Then the Disciplinary Court imposes a ten-date suspension. Taking into account that the offense committed was not that serious, the journalists affirm that the sanction is disproportionate.

Synonyms of disproportionate are disproportionate, excessive, exaggerated or excessive. On the contrary, among the antonyms they have are fair, balanced, proportionate, measured...

Everything excessive , in short, can be pointed out as excessive: from spending $10,000 on a bottle of beer to building a twenty-room house for two people, to wearing a jacket, scarf, hat and gloves in a temperature of 20º C or writing a 1,500 page novel .

excessive appetite

In the same way, we cannot ignore that it is also very common to use the term in question to talk about what is known as excessive appetite . Many people around the world suffer from this as a result of very diverse physiological or emotional causes, for example.

However, we must not forget that, in other cases, this is a consequence of individuals suffering from diseases such as hyperthyroidism or even diabetes.

In order to control the aforementioned appetite, it is necessary for a specialized medical professional to determine its origin. Then, once it has been determined, it will establish the guidelines and treatment that is necessary in this regard.

Low self-esteem, isolation, insecurity, snacking at all hours, a constant feeling of drowsiness, poor performance at school or work, and even heavy digestion are some of the symptoms that indicate that a person suffers from excessive appetite.