Definition of


The adjective disgarbado , according to the definition mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), refers to the lack of grace . This term (garbo), for its part, can refer to the good disposition and structure of the body, to grace or gallantry.

Precisely, garbo we have to explain that it is a word that derives from the Italian “garbo”, which is synonymous with “model” or “grace”. However, this in turn comes from the Arabic “qâlib”, which meant “mold”, and it does the same from the Greek “kalopous”, which can be translated as “shoe shape”.

UngainlyFor example: “As a child I was somewhat lanky, but in my adolescence I started going to the gym and developed good muscles,” “The security cameras recorded a lanky young man at the crime scene; “Investigators are trying to identify him,” “The actor was surprised by his ungainly appearance at the premiere of the film.”

The idea of ​​lanky is usually linked to individuals who are thin , with an underdeveloped physical build. These are generally tall people whose weight is low in relation to their height.

Someone who is lanky can change their appearance by exercising to gain muscle mass and modifying their diet . In this way, with the assistance of a physical trainer and a nutritionist, it is possible to stop being lanky. In any case, the concept of gangly is not necessarily associated with people with health problems or some type of organic imbalance.

Synonyms for gangly are, for example, lanky, gangly, clumsy, disproportionate or even clumsy. On the contrary, antonyms of this term at hand are graceful and even handsome.

Another use of the notion relates to a hunched or listless posture . A man who walks upright, with his head held high, is not lanky, but quite the opposite. Body posture is tied to the physical characteristics of each human being, but it also has links with the attitude of the subject.

It is also important to know that being ungainly, adopting a hunched posture, which brings with it serious health problems. And that person is going to suffer from back pain to a greater risk of suffering from arthritis and even spinal problems.

Precisely for this reason it is necessary for that individual who walks ungainly to take measures as soon as possible to avoid doing so and not put his well-being and health at risk. Therefore, it is recommended that you adopt measures that will help you correct your posture, such as the following:

-Sit correctly.

-Learn to walk upright.

-Resort to strengthening your back muscles.

-Practice sports disciplines that help you take care of and protect your back, such as, for example, Pilates.

-Likewise, exercises that strengthen the abdominals and help improve posture such as planks, back flies, exercises to improve the condition of the glutes and thighs are also suitable.

-Avoid remaining with your shoulders elevated.