Definition of



When you go through a state marked by frustration, discouragement and reluctance, stress prevents you from thinking clearly and there is a feeling of misfortune and pessimism in your soul, hopelessness arises as a result of a crisis that needs to be resolved in order to be able to return to life. be in fullness.

Hopelessness is the reality that marks a human being when, for different reasons and at any age, they lack hope . This state manifests itself in multiple ways but is always characterized by negatively influencing the mood and general state of the person who suffers from it.

Paying attention to mental health and taking care of it in a timely manner by attending consultations with professionals in this area is necessary and advisable in order to be well and achieve the best possible quality of life .

Getting advice on what issues or factors can trigger hopelessness and what impact it has on a social level, as well as finding out about what alternatives exist to prevent or treat it, provides peace of mind and serves as guidance when going through it or trying to help someone. who suffers from it.

How and why there can be hopelessness

It is common to try to find answers that explain how and why a loss of faith or hope occurs. The search for reasons does not reverse the picture but perhaps adds clarity to understand the origin and, in that process, attack the triggers.

It is important to keep in mind that there is no single cause that leads a subject to a state of hopelessness and not all people feel and go through it in the same way: it is neither constructive nor correct to measure, compare or judge the hopelessness of each person.

There is material that indicates that biological, social, environmental and/or personal factors influence these scenarios. When physical health is not in balance with the emotional part, negative sensations and reactions related to helplessness and desolation , for example, do not take long to emerge.

Of course, not only a pathology is the cause of hopelessness , anxiety and lack of motivation (in this regard, it must be recognized that, faced with a discouraging diagnosis linked to a chronic or terminal illness, it is not uncommon to experience helplessness , restlessness or bitterness). Unemployment , especially at a certain stage of life, is often a cause for concern , discouragement and despair . The lack of opportunities to develop professionally and have a source of fixed income to cover own expenses and/or support the family causes anxiety and frustration .

Unfortunately, financial difficulties are so overwhelming and desperate that there are those who, mistakenly, believe that going down the path of crime or suicide are their only way out. Recognizing the problem and asking for help in time are key to overcoming the bad moment without poor decisions that only generate more complications and pain .

In times of adversity , on the other hand, when plans do not go as expected or there is no chance to act to reverse an unfavorable outlook, suffering , reluctance and despair accompany a deep sense of hopelessness that lowers self-esteem , It clutters the mind and sometimes triggers depression . In grief , to describe another possibility, we also go through a phase of despondency , sadness and hopelessness , whether when processing a breakup or the death of a loved one.


Extreme fatigue, lack of self-esteem, deterioration in health and various personal problems lead, in certain cases, to a state of apathy and frustration that, with the help of a mental health professional, must be faced in order to avoid that pessimism and worries deepen and the emotional picture worsens.

Prevention, management and treatment

Although being a victim of hopelessness the horizon turns gray and there is not even the strength or courage to focus on how to overcome this state that threatens well-being, it is essential to know that not all is lost when grief and discouragement take over one. .

First of all, at all ages it is advisable to strengthen self-esteem , forge circles of trust and support networks , lead an active social life and cultivate optimism . Avoiding isolation , adopting healthy habits , working internally to be well in an integral way and having projects contributes to maintaining a vital spirit and facing each day with energy and motivation .

Education , campaigns related to strengthening and addressing mental health , cognitive-behavioral therapy and appropriate medication prescribed by a professional are key to clearing doubts, guiding, directing and containing each individual.

mental overwhelm

A divorce, a move, financial difficulties, a health problem and lack of employment are, among many others, triggers of stress, leaving those who suffer from it in a state of exhaustion, overwhelm, nervousness and tension.

Research and news linked to hopelessness

Frequently, worldwide, research is being carried out and new developments linked to hopelessness and its effects emerge.

At the University of Valencia (UV) , for example, the impact that loneliness and hopelessness have on old age has been studied, collecting data of interest in this framework to be able to draw up strategies for prevention and addressing the emotional state and mental health. of people moving into old age.

In statements to the press, on the other hand, a psychologist named Alejandra Fernández made hopelessness visible as part of a life cycle that, like the rest of those that we go through as time progresses, has a beginning but also an end. . And she took advantage of the space for expression to highlight the importance of always having an active psychological care service in schools (where, this expert also considers, it is essential to take serious care of suicide prevention ), health centers and other environments where a lot of people congregate. people.