Definition of



Loneliness is a reality with dramatic consequences, since this condition, unfortunately, usually translates into unease, sadness, helplessness, vulnerability, negative thoughts and other reactions that no one deserves to suffer.

Desazón is a word with numerous meanings, as verified by consulting the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) . Given the wide variety of definitions that are accepted for this word, the scope of this notion is broad and diverse.

According to theory, this term can be used both to describe a vague discomfort that is experienced on a physical level and also to refer to a state of restlessness and discomfort associated with an itch .

It is also common to resort to the concept of unease when there is an internal restlessness , a displeasure or a condition characterized by anguish , sadness and regret . Already in contexts linked to the senses of taste , indicating that there is unpleasantness describes the insipidity , the lack of seasoning or the absence of flavor of a product.

Characteristics of uneasiness

Discomfort can appear due to multiple circumstances and at different stages of life. It usually generates emotional discomfort in those who experience it and manifests itself in the form of dissatisfaction , discontent and discouragement .

There are numerous factors that influence mental health, leading to a state of sadness. And it should be noted that disappointment is not exclusive to adults: millions of children and adolescents can suffer from it when something or someone causes disappointment , disillusionment or disappointment .

When the unease is deep and is connected to pathologies that require professional intervention for proper diagnosis and treatment, life projects are generally interrupted and even frustrated.

Feeling fully and enjoying both physical and mental well-being become impossible missions if discomfort appears. In daily life, within this framework, daily activities become more complicated, social interactions become difficult and, generally, there is a marked decrease in productivity or school and/or work performance.


Discouragement or dismay takes away the desire to stay active and leads to annoyance and hopelessness.

Prevention and approach strategies

Preventing discomfort (or minimizing the chances of feeling it) is possible. Psychology experts suggest accompanying and sustaining the individual development of a human being with emotional education from an early age. From this approach it is possible to help the person discover, recognize, cultivate, understand and manage their own emotions .

Promoting positive environments both at home and in areas such as school or work, having healthy habits , periodically doing physical exercise , not giving up leisure and allocating time to disciplines that promote relaxation promote well-being and help maintain a good state. of spirit .

When, despite all the efforts to be well, the situation becomes more complex and the subject cannot control their emotions or is affected by a serious pathology, it is essential to consult with mental health experts. If necessary, depending on each situation, medication will be prescribed and/or some kind of psychological therapy will be prescribed to address the condition and provide the affected person with tools so that they can have the best quality of life possible.


The death of someone can generate in their loved ones, among other sensations, reactions and feelings, grief, anger, anger, disappointment and anguish.

Discomfort and various conditions

There is a close link between discomfort and various conditions , problems or diseases that a person can suffer from.

Dejection , demotivation , apathy and reluctance are some of the signs associated with a condition of permanent dissatisfaction.

Stress , psychological suffering , emotional overload and mental fatigue are also among the triggers of discontent and boredom .

Of course, each case is unique: even in the same circumstance, human beings do not react the same. Of course, it is understandable and inevitable that, upon receiving negative and alarming news, there is concern and fear . However, while this episode can generate discomfort , sleeplessness , pessimism , isolation and fear in some, in others it can trigger the impulse to make an effort and deploy forces and ideas to, from hope , optimism , trust and faith , try to reverse the situation. or prevent the event in question from getting worse. Nor is it strange the fluctuation of emotions and sensations that is perceived and recorded as time passes after an extremely relevant event such as the loss of a loved one (a scenario that is usually marked by pain and sadness). initial reluctance and the need to give oneself space to, little by little, go through and close the grieving process) to the traumatic experience of being the victim of a serious crime that leaves physical and mental consequences, leading the person to states that range from helplessness , despair , anguish and panic to shame , feelings of guilt , post-traumatic stress and multiple imbalances that require treatment, containment and monitoring to try to prevent the victim from attacking himself or others.

Nor should we lose sight of the fact that uneasiness that lasts over time and is accompanied by other symptoms may be due, for example, to a generalized anxiety disorder or depression . Discomfort is also seen in those who suffer from panic attacks and in those who are immersed in an existential crisis .