Definition of



The demolition of a construction can be called demolition.

Demolition is a notion used to name the demolition of buildings . The term is also applied in reference to the materials that are removed from said demolition.

For example: “The crane took almost an hour to complete the demolition of the building,” “With the demolition of the old theater, there are no longer any 19th-century buildings left in the city,” “The authorities assured that the scheduled demolition is the best option.” since the structure can collapse at any time” , “To proceed with the demolition, we have to evict the neighbors” .

It should be noted that we would have to go to Latin to find the etymological origin of the term that concerns us now. Specifically, it emanates from the word deripare , which is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts: the prefix de- , which means "from top to bottom" , and ripa , which can be translated as "edge" .

Different types of demolitions

Building demolitions can be ordered for multiple reasons, such as the intention to develop new construction on the site or the danger of spontaneous collapse due to structural failure, among others.

The concept of downing can be used, however, in a broader way to cover anything that is shot down or made to fall : “The downing of the plane was caused by a missile launched from the African coast,” “With the help With a lasso, the man managed to knock down the bull that was terrorizing the neighbors,” “He hit it repeatedly in the face until he knocked down his opponent.”

Historical events

Historically there have been demolitions that have marked a before and after. These are events that have gone down in the annals as culminating moments due to various circumstances:

  • Demolition of the Berlin Wall . In 1989 was when the fall of that construction occurred, which was built with the clear purpose of dividing and separating the city into two areas: the one that was under the power of the German Democratic Republic and the one that was controlled by the Federal Republic of Germany. .
  • Demolition of the Twin Towers . One of the most serious terrorist attacks that have occurred so far was the one that led to those buildings in New York collapsing on September 11, 2011 . And all because planes hijacked by jihadists crashed into them.
equestrian competition

Some equestrian competitions have as their objective the felling of a bull or a cow.

Knockdown in equestrian competitions

We must not forget either that demolition is a term that is also used to refer to the action that is carried out with the aim of causing a cow or bull to fall to the ground .

Specifically, this work is carried out within an equestrian-type competition that responds to the name of harassment and demolition . It is carried out by two participants, an amparador and a garrochista, who try to achieve their goal of making the bull fall in the shortest time possible.

symbolic use of the notion

It should be noted that the demolition can also be symbolic , without implying a physical fall.

A journalist may indicate that the bankruptcy of a bank marked the destruction of citizens' confidence in the economy , or that the defeat of a soccer team implied the destruction of the fans' confidence in the team's coach.