Definition of

animal rights


Achieving legal recognition of animal rights on a global scale is essential so that all species are protected by legislation and there are consequences in case of wanting to violate, capture, exploit, imprison or attack wildlife.

Animal rights are defended by an international movement defined as animalism . In the face of so many human practices that threaten animal well-being and even lead to their death, it is essential to deepen efforts to transform the collective mentality and, in this way, put an end to any action that goes against respect for all species in the world. kingdom and that restricts or impedes their right to live in freedom .

Unfortunately, animal rights education is still necessary and important. Although sensitivity, empathy and common sense lead to valuing the inhabitants of oceans, savannahs, forests, deserts, homes, etc. and lead to experiencing admiration and love for them, there are those who see animals as a business, a trophy, a commodity: in short, they do not recognize them as beings who feel and have rights ...

For this reason, governments and communities must work jointly and simultaneously, on the one hand, in the conservation of wildlife , the protection of marine life and in the formulation and enforcement of responsible land ownership laws. pets and, on the other hand, combat (and not encourage) species trafficking , poaching and all acts of cruelty towards animals .

History of animal rights

The history of animal rights dates back to ancient times since, since ancient times, humans have exploited various species to satisfy clothing, food and transportation needs, among others. Even in the name of religion, a custom began in times past that continues to this day: making sacrifices with non-human beings. Of course, there have also always been people with noble hearts who have not hesitated to act with empathy towards animals .

It has been noted, as a reference, that the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras cultivated vegetarianism and used to acquire multiple specimens with the purpose of taking them to their natural habitats and releasing them there.

In sacred texts of Catholicism, meanwhile, the divine order to provide domestic animals with "humane treatment" is addressed and the habit of not eating pork or other species classified as "impure" is referred to.

There are records, on the other hand, of the death of thousands of wild creatures in the activities part of the famous Roman games .

In times of the Industrial Revolution , to add another interesting fact, the social defense of mules , donkeys and horses began for being mistreated and victims of the modality called blood traction .

Around 1635 , Ireland took a valuable step in favor of animals by enacting laws against the shearing of sheep and the act of binding the tails of horses.

dogs and cats

Responsible pet ownership involves taking responsibility for their food, health, safety and everything that is linked to the well-being of the animals.

Activism in favor of all forms of life

To counteract so many cruel and destructive behaviors observed in the world , activism in favor of all forms of life has been increasingly promoted.

Those who are part of animal protection organizations are dedicated, for example, to putting together awareness campaigns to stop and reverse certain harmful realities, to denounce practices that do not respect animal rights , to carry out protests in the fight for freedom and care for all species and give visibility to cases of animal abandonment .

Activists fervently oppose rodeos and bullfights , reject animal testing , and advocate for ethical treatment of animals in every corner of the planet. They also spread messages that focus on the importance of adopting instead of buying pets and joining forces to put an end to all situations involving animals in captivity .

It should be noted that animal rights activism does not distinguish borders or species: it ranges from the protection of street fauna (street dogs and cats) to the fight for the rights of great apes .


Just as some see bullfights as a traditional spectacle, others see cruelty and contempt for the life and rights of animals.

Respect for animal rights

There are numerous actions that, both individually and collectively, can be carried out as signs of respect for animal rights .

If you live with dogs or cats, to detail a reality that exists in millions of homes, it is essential to provide them with care, security, food and love. Part of the responsibility is to comply with the pet vaccination schedule and, thinking about avoiding unwanted procreation and protecting the health of four-legged companions, taking care of pet sterilization .

Another decision that can be implemented when it comes to family outings is to attend circuses without animals , while when selecting clothing it is enriching to avoid clothing made with animal leather or other parts of their organisms.

Products identified with the "Cruelty-free" label are approved if the idea is not to be complicit in unethical procedures or that violate the rights of wildlife .

And if the commitment to the cause is total, then the way is to embrace veganism by adopting a lifestyle that goes beyond avoiding eating products of animal origin . In that case, the “Vegan-friendly” label always gives peace of mind when shopping.