Definition of



Those who design logos from scratch with their own ideas, as with any number of original works (such as songs and novels), can defend their work by managing and enforcing their copyrights.

Copyright is an expression linked to the intellectual property law that reveals the protection that, at a legal level, is available to those creators of books , songs , films , novels and paintings , among other works, without the need to be published, marketed or disclosed. According to the theory, ideas, facts and procedures implemented at an artistic level are not covered, but it is possible to legally protect the way in which these are expressed.

The content of a website , whether texts , photographs or audiovisual productions, can also be protected by copyright if its creator completes the registration process. Since the late 1990s , even those who work in architecture have the opportunity to manage and claim copyright to protect their own designs (architectural drawings or plans).

It should be noted that the scope and particularities associated with copyright vary from one nation to another. It is therefore essential to be informed about the criteria that apply in the country in which you wish to register a work. If you are on Argentine soil, for example, it is necessary to contact the National Copyright Directorate (DNDA) , pay the corresponding fee and complete the procedure, which is free of charge, virtually. This formality, according to experts on the subject, provides clarity and tools both in terms of registration publicity and legal security , since dates, title, parties involved in copyright contracts , etc. are recorded.

Types of copyright

There are different types of copyright and it is necessary to know what they are and what they are in order to behave responsibly or to know how a creator can defend his/her creative work.

On the one hand, there are moral rights that grant each author recognition as the manager (i.e., the authorship ) of a specific work and the power to preserve it, being able to oppose changes or manipulations if he or she does not agree. This set of rights is classified as imprescriptible because they are not lost with the passage of time; inescapable; inexpropriable and inalienable.

If these rights are violated or transgressed by copying and reproducing another's intellectual work , assuming it as one's own, then an infringement called plagiarism is committed.

At the same time, intellectual rights are recognized which, with respect to a work, generate rights of possession and economic rights . Each owner (whether its inventor or a publishing house) is empowered to define how it will be disseminated (regardless of the format or medium chosen) and whether or not to authorize one or more translations (and in which language).


Copyright, within the music industry, grants protection to the creators of song lyrics and musical compositions.

In each country, there are also the so-called related rights that are part of copyright (an English term that refers to a variety of intellectual property that grants someone the exclusive right to adapt, copy, distribute and produce a work for a limited period of time). They safeguard, at a legal level, the interests of performing artists or interpreters, broadcasting entities and those who produce recordings.

Scope and applications

The scope and applications of copyright lead, in all cases, to creative work that demands intellectual effort.

This can be seen when seeking advice on protected elements within the video game industry (providing coverage on designs, entertainment plot, characters, setting, soundtrack, etc.) and when finding out how things are done in the film industry , where exhibition rights usually apply, rights that guarantee the production of a feature film and a chain of ownership that focuses on the various actors involved in the development, acquisition and processing of scripts .

It is also possible to identify copyright applied to the software industry through a contract that sets out the conditions under which the person who creates the software provides a third party with authorization to use it.

In the publishing industry, it is also necessary to operate under the parameters and guidelines of intellectual property rights and, specifically, copyright . A publisher must acquire the exclusivity to reproduce and distribute a work, while the original developer of the material retains rights over the book produced and sold. In this context, the existence of organizations specialized in reproduction rights cannot be overlooked.

The music industry is another field where copyright exists, in this case to protect those who create song lyrics and melodies ( composers ).

Publishing industry

When creating a book, regardless of the chosen genre, it is very important to know what copyrights are and what they are used for.

It is interesting to mention that, at least in Argentina , the individual identified as the owner of the translation rights is granted a property right over it in accordance with the conditions agreed with the original creator. For this to happen, it is a requirement that within a maximum period of twelve months from the date the translation was published, the translation contracts have been registered in the National Registry of Intellectual Property .

It is vital to know that illegal copies , piracy and plagiarism constitute a violation of copyright , therefore these practices can be reported and the offenders punished.

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