Definition of


emotional disorder

Depression is an emotional disorder.

Depression is an emotional disorder that makes a person feel sad and listless, experiencing internal discomfort and making interactions with the environment difficult. The term comes from the Latin term depressio which, in turn, comes from depressus ( "dejected" or "knocked down" ).

For example: "I don't know what to do with Uncle Augusto: depression makes him not want to eat," "I suffered from depression for eight long years but, thanks to the love of my family, I was able to get out," "I'm not going to let the situation overcomes me: depression is not in my vocabulary .

Depression according to medicine and psychology

For medicine and psychology , depression manifests itself from a series of symptoms that include sudden changes in mood, irritability, lack of enthusiasm and a feeling of distress or anguish that transcends what is considered normal.

In the development of depression, there is usually a combination between a high level of stress and the persistence of some negative emotions. Drug use is a factor that can influence the appearance of depression.


Anxiety and lack of enthusiasm are some of the symptoms of depression.

Common symptoms

According to the clinical definition of this pathology , depression is a mood disorder where feelings of deep pain, anger, frustration and loneliness appear and prevent the person from continuing with their ordinary life normally for a long time. Among the symptoms of this disease are:

  • A highly irritable mood;
  • Demotivation to do usual activities;
  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping ;
  • Sudden increase or decrease in appetite ;
  • Stress, fatigue and feelings of self-destructiveness and guilt ;
  • Feelings of absolute loneliness and hopelessness ;
  • suicidal thoughts .

It is important to note that one of the most harmful symptoms of depression is decreased feelings of self-esteem , which triggers other complications such as problems in social interaction. In children, declines in school performance , difficulty falling asleep , and behavioral problems are seen.

Causes of depression

There are many causes for this disorder and depending on the severity of the disease, the type of treatment that is appropriate will be performed. Some types of depression are postpartum depression (after giving birth, some women fall into a deep well of bitterness and sadness. The most risky thing about this type of depression is that the mother usually feels a certain aversion to her child, for this reason it is very important that these women receive treatment); premenstrual dysphoric disorder (symptoms appear a week before menstruation and fade once it is over); and seasonal affective disorder (appears during cold seasons and is considered to be caused by the absence of sunlight, it could even be the reason why in some cities where the sun rarely rises there are so many cases of suicides and addictions due to of anguish). Bipolar disorder, although it is not considered to be exactly a depressive disorder, shows causes that may be similar.

In some cases, depression is due to genetic causes , transmitted from parents to children, or due to traumatic experiences during childhood that have been poorly channeled. Sometimes it is enough to present a predisposition to depression for a stressful situation to cause a person to develop this disease .

Other causes of this disorder can be addictions (alcoholism, certain drug addiction), certain medical treatments (cancer, insomnia, steroids, hypothyroidism), and situations where there is a high level of stress (abuse, separations, illness or death of a loved one). , school failure, job loss), among others.

The most serious consequences of depression can range from social isolation to the inability to carry out work tasks, even leading to suicide . It is common for the person to deny their problem or not accept help.

Prevention and treatment

There are several ways to treat depression, always taking into account the causes that caused it and what deficiencies the patient has. But, all the same, you must count on active behavior of the patient. It usually includes therapy sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist . The latter may suggest, depending on the case, the administration of drugs with antidepressant action .

Furthermore, in all cases it is recommended that those people who present the aforementioned symptoms consult a specialist before the disease becomes chronic.

As a prevention against this disorder, doctors recommend getting adequate sleep, eating a nutritious diet and doing daily exercises, avoiding alcohol and drug use, and above all, spending time surrounded by people you love and love. carrying out activities that produce satisfaction .