Definition of

school sport

In order to know the meaning of the term school sport, it is necessary, first of all, to discover the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape:

-Sport comes from Latin, exactly derived from the verb "deportare."

-School also has its origin in Latin. In this case, it exactly emanates from “scholaris”, which can be translated as “belonging to the school”. Thus, it was formed from the sum of two different parts: the noun "schola", which is synonymous with "school", and the suffix "-ar", which indicates "relationship".

A sport is a competitive or recreational activity whose development requires certain training and respect for a regulation . School , on the other hand, is something linked to the school (an educational establishment).

school sportIt is known as school sport , therefore, the sporting activity that is carried out within the framework of a school , whether during class time or in non-teaching instances. Its objective is to promote the development of the child thanks to the multiple dimensions linked to the practice of sports.

School sports, in this framework, are not oriented towards competition . The aim is for students to have fun, learn to take care of their physique and develop various skills. School sports can contribute, for example, to teamwork .

Through school sports, students can acquire skills, improve their physical capacity, raise their self-esteem and generate healthy habits . Sport also enables integration and teaches essential notions of respect (for teammates, rivals, authorities, rules, etc.).

Many times inter-school competitions are organized in which students from one school compete against students from other institutions. Beyond this competitive nature, teachers must instill in children that the most important thing is not to win, but to participate in the activity. By leaving success in the background, the effort made by each of the participants is put at the center.

Therefore, we can state that school sports are a way to instill values, to teach them basic rules of behavior and education and even to allow them to ensure, from early childhood, the protection and care of their health.

However, we cannot forget that the aforementioned type of sport also brings with it other advantages such as the following:

-It allows each child to learn to know themselves much better, thus discovering their strengths and also their "weaknesses."

-It is a tool that aims to instill that the way to solve problems and conflicts is not violence but communication, dialogue.

-It helps to learn to manage frustration and to know that things are achieved with work and effort.

-It helps children, through any sporting discipline, learn to respect differences and see them as something positive and not as a reason for rejection.

-Promotes coexistence and tolerance.

Sometimes school sports are a child's first introduction to sports. With the necessary encouragement and appropriate personal conditions, this discovery can lead to the practice of sport at a professional level in the future .