Definition of



Addictions cause a dependence on the substance that is consumed.

Dependency is a term with various uses that can be used to refer to a relationship of origin or connection , to subordination to a greater power or to the situation of a subject who is not in a position to fend for himself .

political dependency

Political dependence refers to the cancellation or limitation of the will of a leader or a community to make fundamental decisions.

This type of dependency can arise for strictly political reasons (such as a threat of retaliation by a power) but also for economic reasons (when a country depends on the money it receives from another State such as investments or credits) or cultural reasons (due to the action of globalized media).

The scourge of addictions

Medicine and psychology speak of dependence when a person has a compulsive need for a substance to experience its effects or to alleviate the discomfort that arises from its deprivation. Legal drugs (such as alcohol or tobacco ) and illegal drugs (cocaine, heroin) generate dependence.

That is, we cannot forget about other types of dependencies, such as drug addiction. Drug addiction is also known as the health problem experienced by all those people who habitually use and abuse addictive substances, drugs, such as heroin, marijuana, cocaine, designer pills...

emotional dependence

On the other hand, for example, we would have to talk about what is known as emotional dependence. That is to say, it is a type of relationship that is based on the fact that it is unstable, toxic and, above all, unequal. And one of the two members feels subordinate to the other.

The result of this sentimental union is that the dependent has low self-esteem, feels belittled and also idealizes the other member. In this way, you will experience a hard and complicated situation in which you have moments in which you realize that it is not a good and happy relationship, however, you cannot cut it off because you have a "hook."


There are people who, due to their level of disability, depend on other individuals to survive.

Why is he not able to cut off that sentimental union? Because he is afraid of feeling alone, because he believes that he will not find anyone else who loves him and because he completely, or partially, lacks social skills.

In addition to all this, those who suffer from emotional dependence identify themselves because they always have a need to please, because they renounce being themselves, because they have a constant need for attention and affection, because they isolate themselves from the rest of the world by considering that they only want to be with their partner. …

The concept linked to disability and an office or room

Another type of dependency is social dependency , which appears when a person has a high degree of disability or dysfunction and needs the help of third parties to survive. A common example of this dependency occurs with the elderly who need help to feed themselves or get around.

An office, finally, can also be the office dependent on another superior or the room dedicated to the services of a house : "Tomorrow I have to go to a Revenue office to regularize my tax situation."