Definition of


Woman jumping on the mountain

A valiant effort is characterized by determination and boldness.

Bold is an adjective used to describe courageous, determined or courageous . The term derives from denodarse , a currently rarely used pronominal verb that refers to making an effort or taking a risk .

Energy, daring

The bold, therefore, shows energy or daring . The concept can also refer to sacrifice and self-denial .

The most common thing is that the concept of hard work appears associated with effort or work . In fact, it is difficult to find this adjective linked to other words in the media or even in everyday speech.

Below we will see a list of the synonyms that are most frequently used to replace the word bold in different situations: bold , determined, determined, diligent, daring, hard-working, enterprising, brave, expeditious, courageous and intrepid . As we see, the meanings of the aforementioned concepts are reflected in these, but we see new nuances, such as audacity and diligence , among other aspects that can and usually characterize the courageous person.

Whenever a word has antonyms (remember that some, especially nouns, do not have others with opposite meanings) it is advisable to go to them to understand its definition in greater depth. In the specific case of brave we can say that it is the opposite of cowardly, indecisive, pusillanimous and timid . In other words, if there is a possibility, even minimal, of achieving a goal and the individual thinks too much or decides not to risk it, he or she represents the opposite of someone who is determined.

Some examples

For example: “The hard work of the UN envoy to promote a peace process was insufficient since the war never ended,” “The president assured that his government is making a strenuous effort to reduce public spending,” “Always “We try to offer a dedicated service to satisfy our customers.”

Thanks to the synonyms that we studied in the previous section, we can understand these examples without problem. The first speaks of "dare work" to end a war; We can understand that this is a determined effort , on which the UN focused all its energies and resources. Anecdotally and without affecting the meaning of this word, it did not achieve its objective.

In the second example, the president of a given country claims that he is working hard to reduce public spending. Once again, the way he is doing this is through total dedication, limitless commitment . The sender of the third sentence, for his part, assures that his company strives to satisfy its customers.

The term in context

Suppose that a young man, to pay for his university studies , has two jobs . In this way, in addition to attending classes, he fulfills work obligations in two different companies. This leads him to study in the early hours of the morning and on weekends. It can be said that the boy, in short, makes a strenuous effort to complete the degree .

Hard work

Any work driven by inexhaustible determination can be described as hard work.

Take the case of a businessman who remains in his factory about twelve hours a day , even Saturdays and Sundays. During that period, he carries out all types of activities and even trains to achieve the growth of the company. The hard work of this man , in this way, allows the entity to move forward.

Both the student and the businessman in the two situations presented dedicate all their energies to achieving their objectives. Their dedication is unusual, and part of a vision of the future that leads them to make risky decisions, to sacrifice their time and strength in pursuit of a potential higher well-being that they trust will come true sooner or later.