Definition of


Negative response

A denial means a negative response to a request.

Denial is a term linked to the verb deny , which refers to not granting what is required or demanded . Its etymological origin is found in the Latin denegatĭo .

For example: “The government surprised the people with the denial of authorization for the marathon to take place in the city,” “Tomorrow I am going to go to the office so they can explain to me the reason for the denial,” “The detained, after the judge's refusal, he announced that he would appeal to the Supreme Court .

Denial as rejection of an order

Denial, therefore, is a negative response to a request or request . Take the case of a club that wants to organize a concert to raise funds. As he expects many people to attend and his facilities are small, he plans to install the stage on the street. For this, however, you must ask the government for permission, since you need to close the street and interrupt traffic. The club makes the request, but it is rejected. The authorities justify the denial with the need for cars to be able to circulate on said street.

Another similar situation can occur within a company . An employee wants to take unpaid leave to travel. For this purpose, send a note to the president of the company, explaining your wishes. The manager responds with the denial and relies on the fact that his presence is essential for the moment, given that he does not have a suitable replacement for his position.

Denial of assistance , on the other hand, is the crime in which a person incurs when, without a justification protected by law, they evade a public obligation and do not obey the request of an authority.


Denial implies a rejection.

The concept in computing

Within the field of computing , there is a concept called a denial of service attack , also known as DoS (note the similarity to Microsoft's DOS, which is why it is important to write the "o" in lower case). It is an attack directed at a computer system or a network, the consequence of which is that the services or resources provided by a company become inaccessible to customers. In general, it consists of consuming the bandwidth of an individual or group, causing a collapse and interrupting the connection.

There is a variation of DoS, called distributed denial of services (or DDoS ), which attacks from different sources, considerably increasing server saturation. Commonly, so-called botnets are used to carry out these attacks against a system , given their moderate complexity and the fact that they act automatically and autonomously. On the other hand, it is worth clarifying that they can also have a constructive purpose, since they serve to verify the limits of information transfer of a computer, so that they can be established before offering a product or service to consumers, thus avoiding potential disorders such as such as loss of information and unexpected communication outages.

A DoS can occur in different ways, given that there are many techniques to generate it; However, they share the TCP/IP protocol group to achieve their objective. In summary, the characteristics of one of these attacks are the following:

  • They consume the storage memory, processing capacity and bandwidth of one or more computers against the will of their owners.
  • They modify the configuration data, ranging from superficial to those that compromise the stability of the equipment.
  • They interrupt the operation of some devices.
  • They block the communication channels that would allow affected users to connect with the providers of the services that have been taken away or altered.