Definition of



There are different methods to separate disposable particles from valuable ones.

Despicable is an adjective that is used to name something of little value and that is not worthy of appreciation or admiration . The term is also used to describe something that can break or destroy easily , that has a short useful life or that does not have good resistance.

This adjective, therefore, can be used as a reference to the physical characteristics of something material . For example: “This mineral is found on the surface as a flimsy and brittle rock, useless for construction” , “My uncle was surprised to observe that his crops were flimsy and incapable of resisting the low winter temperatures” , “When it solidified , gallium is transformed into a flimsy metal.”

Detachable particles

There is a test method to determine the approximate number of clay lumps and crumbly particles found in natural aggregates, and to carry it out the following instruments, apparatus and equipment are necessary:

  • Balances : it is recommended to have one whose sensitivity is equivalent to 0.1% of the mass of the sample and another that is around 0.02%, to find the mass value of the residue.
  • Containers : it is important that they are not susceptible to corrosion and that they have a suitable shape and size so that the sample can be spread on their bottom in a thin layer.
  • Screens : that specifically comply with the regulations of the country in which the procedure is performed;
  • Drying oven : with a circulation such that it allows it to maintain a temperature around 105°C, with a maximum difference of 5°C.

Having obtained these elements, you must have the remaining material of which you want to determine the removable percentage, which is obtained from several tests to find the necessary 100 grams. The aggregate, whose particles must not have a mass greater than 100 grams and nor be smaller than 1.18 millimeters, must be allowed to dry in the oven at 105°C until its mass is constant.

It is important to note that testing cannot be carried out in locations exposed to drafts or sunlight; The stability of the environmental conditions is essential for the experiment to give satisfactory results. The next step is to spread the sample mass at the base of the aforementioned container and cover it with distilled water , and then leave it for approximately 24 hours, so that it becomes saturated.

Particles that can be crumbled with fingers and separated by sieving should be classified as flimsy. The technique generally used for such detection consists of rubbing the particles between the pads of the index fingers and thumb with a certain degree of pressure , but without using the nails.

thumb down

Something that is rejected on a social or cultural level can be described as despicable.

The most common meaning of the concept

The most frequent use of the concept, however, is symbolic. Those actions or behaviors that are reprehensible from an ethical point of view or that are contrary to the values ​​shared by a community are classified as despicable.

If a mother forces her seven-year-old daughter to go on a diet to lose weight and thus have a better chance of winning a beauty contest, this attitude will be judged as despicable by a large part of society . The same can be said of the person who abandons a dog when he or she reaches old age because they do not want to take charge of providing the care that the animal requires.

Like all issues linked to values, what is considered despicable in one culture may be accepted by another. In some tribes it is acceptable for a father to arrange the marriage of his underage daughter in exchange for cattle or other consideration, something intolerable in the Western world.