Definition of


university students

The University Rights Ombudsman protects the rights of the university community.

The notion of defense is used in several Latin American countries to refer to the work or office of a defender . A defender, meanwhile, is the individual who is dedicated to defending the rights of the population in general or a group of people .

Great diversity

There are multiple state organizations and associations that are called ombudsmen. The specific tasks they carry out depend on each one.

As we will see below, the ombudsman's offices provide protection to subjects in different areas. In this way, the aim is to avoid abuses and inequalities, generally committed by sectors of power or that are in a dominant position.

Ombudsman of Peru

The Ombudsman's Office of Peru , for example, is a body established by the Peruvian Constitution of 1993 . Its leader holds the position of Ombudsman for five years and is voted by Congress . To access the position he needs at least two-thirds to grant him their vote.

The protection of the constitutional rights of citizens is one of the fundamental missions of the Ombudsman's Office of Peru . It also ensures that the State provides essential public services.

Its headquarters are located in the Peruvian capital, Lima, although it has representation throughout the country. Returning to the functions of the Ombudsman, he has the obligation to avoid any accusation before having carried out an investigation to find a solution to the problems reported to him . Furthermore, it cannot order a citizen to be detained or issue a sentence.

On the contrary, its main tool is persuasion, which it uses to propose behavioral changes, recommend the implementation of preventive strategies and mediate in the search for solutions. Yes, you can publicly denounce someone or an entity if the seriousness of the case requires it .

Defender of University Rights

The University Rights Ombudsman , on the other hand, is the university body that seeks to ensure the guarantees and rights of students, professors, graduates and officials. They are generally autonomous and participatory offices.

Another name by which this organization is known is the Attorney General's Office . Generally, it has an independent, autonomous and participatory character. Although its goals, its organization and its structure are very similar, this ombudsman's office differs from that of the People in that it specializes in the university field, although it also includes human rights , since it could not protect the community in any other way.

The old Procuraduría de Pobres , created in Mexico in 1847, is a precursor of this defense office. In fact, its inspiration reached many others, from different parts of the world, although the most commonly adopted model has been the Scandinavian one, which dates back to 1713 and emerged as an initiative of King Charles XII of Sweden .

Buy at a fruit market

The consumer always assumes a risk, but specialized defense counsel can protect them from fraud.

Consumer Ombudsman of El Salvador

The Consumer Ombudsman's Office of El Salvador also has the purpose of monitoring markets , resolving controversies related to consumption and producing useful information for consumer decisions. This entity is empowered to apply sanctions and restore rights.

The consumer is an agent who is often exposed to deceptions of different kinds and, depending on his skill and knowledge to demand compliance with his rights , is harmed by the simple fact of purchasing a product or contracting a service. Whether it is misleading advertising or the reprehensible practices of certain companies, such as the resale of defective products passing them off as new, when the buyer is not satisfied with their purchase, they should go to the Ombudsman's Office as soon as possible to receive specialized professional help .