Definition of


Dable increase

Business success is possible with good underlying strategies

Dable is an adjective that allows you to describe what is feasible . What is given, therefore, is realizable or practicable .

something feasible

As you can see, it is common for the idea of ​​giveable to be used to construct expressions about what can, or cannot, be given . What is doable is also doable , a very uncommon word in everyday speech. In this case it is necessary to remember that we use the verbal construction "give" to refer to "happen": "They may decide to come, but after the discussion I doubt they will want to see us again."

The concept of feasible, however, is also used to specifically indicate whether something is viable or not : “Having two hundred employees without working for four months is not feasible, the government should establish some mechanism that allows us to reopen the company.” as soon as possible” , “I think it is possible to finish the tournament among the first five teams in the standings since we have great players and an excellent technical director” , “According to the manager, it is possible to achieve an increase of 25% in sales in the next quarter.”

In these three examples we can see precisely the idea of ​​"viable", a term that the RAE defines as something that can be carried out (given its circumstances) or, in a more strict sense, a path along which it is possible to travel. It is not possible to maintain a company for a long time if its employees do not work. Yes, it is, on the other hand, that a great team wins a tournament or that a good market strategy allows a company's sales to increase by 25 percent.

Some examples

Let's look at some more example sentences below: “It is not likely that the circulation of the virus will disappear in the short term, so it is essential to stay at home as much as possible to minimize the risks of contagion,” “Doctors point out that it is possible .” that the driver was intoxicated at the time of impact” , “Due to Juan's background , it is likely that he is exaggerating the symptoms to avoid having to go to school” .

Let's start by studying the first sentence, where the use of the word feasible clearly shows us a connotation of "possibility" or "feasibility." The issuer says that it is not feasible that the virus will stop circulating anytime soon, and that for this reason we should stay in our homes whenever possible to minimize the risk of becoming infected. In this case we can notice a certain nuance of "credibility", since we could express the same idea by saying that "it would not be credible if the virus stopped circulating...".

Damable accident

It is possible that the driver was intoxicated.

In the second example, after an accident , the health professionals who treat the man who crashed his car indicate that it is possible that he had drunk too much alcohol and that this was the reason for his lack of coordination . Unlike the previous example, the connotation of "credible" does not fit here, at least not without knowing the protagonist; It would be different to know that he tends to overindulge in alcoholic beverages, because then we could assume that he was intoxicated even without a medical study.

Finally we come to the third sentence, in which we are given to understand that Juan has a history on which we can rely to affirm that he is possibly acting to make his elders believe that he is not able to attend class. Although the receiver does not have the information to make such a deduction , he must trust the sender, so here we could replace the term credible with credible and the result would be practically the same: I expect that from Juan, it is possible that he will. make, such a statement is credible.