Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term healer, it is necessary to discover, first of all, its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated components of said language:

-The verb “curare”, which can be translated as “to care for” or “to raise”.

-The suffix “-ero”, which is used to indicate “trade”.

A healer is someone who does not have an official title to practice medicine but still develops healing practices . These people practice so-called traditional medicine , which is based on beliefs, experiences and practices that may or may not be explainable.

QuackHealers can be responsible for curing physical or mental illnesses by providing natural remedies (herbs, flowers, etc.) or massages . In some cases they appeal to the participation of divinities or spirits in the process. In this way healing takes on a magical edge.

Although a healer claims that his rituals have healing effects, that claim cannot be supported by evidence obtained through the scientific method . Therefore, its effectiveness cannot be confirmed by science .

Healing emerged in ancient people. As history progressed, many of its practices began to be combined with elements and actions of Western or scientific medicine, generating syncretism . Currently, there are towns where healers work together with doctors to improve the health of the population.

The Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires ( Argentina ), for example, promoted the creation of an intercultural health center through which a Mapuche healer (the lonko or chief of his community) is in contact with the provincial health system. . A similar initiative was developed in the Argentine province of Neuquén to integrate the work of healers with the health care provided by the State.

In the same way, it must be taken into account that in other corners of the world, healers or shamans are true authorities within the population. This happens, for example, in Africa. Hence, in many cases, medical institutions and health professionals encounter the problem that people trust them more than in medicine and science.

For this reason, they have seen the need to approach healers and teach them new practices, techniques and medications that are effective so that they can use them to treat their patients.

In other corners of the world, what emerges are healers who call themselves such and who present themselves as capable of curing the most serious illnesses when it is a lie. So much so that there are many complaints received by many of these individuals who take advantage of the pain of the sick and their anguish or fear in order to obtain interesting economic benefits without providing any improvement to the health and well-being of those who come to them.