Definition of



There are, among others, food crops (cereals), crops for textile purposes (cotton) and industrial crops (tobacco).

A crop is the result of the action of cultivating, that is, developing processes on land necessary to produce food. It is interesting to know that there are cultivation techniques and soil treatments that fall into different categories linked to agriculture .

In order to provide useful data in this regard, give an account of how this field has evolved and allow more and more people to learn to distinguish crops and be updated on this topic, in the following paragraphs we will describe related concepts, list varieties and add information linked to value, trends and impact on crops .

It is necessary to clarify, before continuing to detail the particularities of crops from an agricultural perspective, that this word is also present in the lexicon of microbiology experts. In this science, this term refers to a useful method for studying microorganisms within a laboratory and, in that context, being able to identify which bacteria , parasite or fungus is affecting a person's health or, if they are analyzes requested by a veterinarian, an animal

Historical review of crops

Historical records indicate that in Latin America , China , and the Near East, agriculture began with settlers experimenting with grains and seeds on the land . It is believed that in Indonesia and Peru , meanwhile, the initial plantations were root vegetables . The cultivation of sweet potatoes ( camote or sweet potato ), barley and farro wheat , as well as the planting of beans , are also very old.

As time went by, farmers in different corners of the world dedicated themselves to rice , soybeans , corn ( corn ) and cassava .

In Ancient Rome , to add another reference, crops were mainly vegetables , cereals and legumes . At that time grapes ( vine ), olives ( olivas ) and wheat were obtained.

Little by little, agriculture expanded and diversified with options such as cotton , tomatoes , sugar cane , coffee , tobacco and peppers .

Key concepts

To achieve a precise and enriching interpretation of crops, it is advisable to educate yourself on techniques, varieties and procedures, in addition to learning the meaning of key concepts .

The idea of ​​sowing comes into play, for example, when the act and consequence of sowing are pointed out. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) mentions that sowing is the action of throwing, planting and distributing seeds on the earth so that fruits emerge from them. The instance or moment of collecting the fruits from the ground, on the other hand, is called harvest . This word also encompasses the product or the entire production that can be obtained.

The sown lands , each crop of a field , to add another useful piece of information, constitute tillage , while irrigation (the effect of starting the act of irrigating) refers to the irrigation of a piece of land.


In the countryside there are usually cereal crops, fruit trees, soybeans, etc.

Types of agricultural crops

Varieties of crops abound, as well as types of agriculture . The use of certain products, the location chosen, the amount of crops planted in a field, the practices carried out and the seasonality or frequency of crops , among other factors, influence the categories and classifications.

Greenhouse cultivation , specifically, is ideal in order to protect plants and vegetable crops from the effects of low temperatures, to ensure water savings and to be able to carry out good management in the event of the appearance of pests .

Cultivation on terraces , on the other hand, prevents excessive soil erosion, makes it possible to make better use of water resources and is a great ally in the fight against climate change .

The perennial crop is also recognized as one that, throughout its existence, supports more than one harvest because its vegetative cycle exceeds twelve months. In other circumstances, annual cultivation is deployed (with a period less than a year).

By gathering greater precision on the types of crops, even perennial crops (with very long periods, offering multiple crops), intercrop crops (those that on the same land give space to at least two crops simultaneously, thus optimizing the cultivation systems ), extensive cultivation (natural and traditional style to take advantage of natural resources in a sustainable way) and intensive cultivation (alternative characterized by the intensive use of the means available in pursuit of agricultural production), to list more options.

Vegetable garden

Through organic agriculture you can obtain food that is not exposed to agrochemicals or synthetic fertilizers.

Techniques for cultivation

To guarantee the preservation of biodiversity , minimize the level of pollution derived from agricultural production and take maximum care of the soil so that it does not erode or degrade deeply, precautions must be taken, strategies implemented and the techniques and ways of working well selected.

The fertility of the land is taken care of, for example, through crop rotation . There is, on the other hand, hydroponics (a method that, instead of growing plants in agricultural soil, invites you to discover the benefits of soilless cultivation based on mineral solutions). The soil is also dispensed with in the form of aerial crops called aeroponics , while in aquaponics hydroponics and aquaculture merge and complement each other.