Definition of



Caring for the sick involves paying attention to the patient's needs and possible complications.

Care is the action of caring (preserve, save, conserve, assist). Caring involves helping oneself or another living being, trying to increase its well-being and prevent it from suffering harm. It is also possible to guard objects (such as a house) to prevent incidents such as damage and theft from occurring.

For example: "Tonight I can't go out: I committed myself to taking care of my little brother" , "Caring for the sick is one of the noblest activities a person can do" , "I don't think I'm prepared to have children under my care." » .

Caring for the sick, children and homes

Caring for patients involves monitoring their condition with a certain regularity. If a person is hospitalized, the individual who cares for them must be alert to call a doctor or the corresponding professional in the event of any complications; In addition, it may be necessary to assist you during your meals and help you during your personal hygiene, depending on the severity of your condition.

In the case of childcare , it is an activity that must be carried out by an adult who can act responsibly in the event of any contingency. Children must be controlled in their games and daily activities to prevent them from getting hurt and putting their own lives at risk .

Taking care of a house requires several actions : on the one hand, depending on the needs and customs of each person, a minimum of hygiene and order must be maintained; On the other hand, as mentioned in the first paragraph, it is essential to protect it from thieves and vandals, especially in cities.

The concept as a warning

Beware can also be a warning you utter for someone to take precautions. The term can even be used as a threat .

In this sense we can find expressions such as the following: "Be careful with that man: he is drunk and very aggressive" , "Be careful when crossing the street" , "If you install a new program, you must be careful to avoid viruses" .


Performing physical activity is important for health care.

Health care tips

Do exercise

Physical play , which can be done through the practice of a sport or by walking or running every day, is the key to maintaining vitality, since it collaborates with the tone and strength of our muscles, while at the same time away from the dangerous extreme sedentary lifestyle. To obtain the best results, consistency and frequency are essential : a minimum of three weekly sessions, seeking to feel attracted to the activities to avoid abandoning them due to boredom.

Rest properly

Rest is essential for a healthy and balanced life . First of all, we should all sleep between seven and eight hours a day, to achieve proper recovery of our muscles after daily activities and physical exercise. Among the advantages of sleep are more effective oxygenation and greater care for all organs, which results in better functioning of our body.

Five meals a day

Not many people are aware that going hungry, skipping one of the essential meals or undereating, is one of the worst mistakes we can make if we seek to be in shape and perform adequately in our daily activities. The ideal number of meals per day is five, trying to keep them in moderate portions ; The goal is not to eat more, but to distribute the necessary amount as many times as possible.

Eat fruits and vegetables

The vegetarian diet is the best for our health , and is essential to stay in shape. Among its advantages is its high fibrous content, which helps purify the body. Fruits, for their part, are a great source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for our well-being.

No stress

There is no exact formula to avoid stress , a path that leads us all to inner peace. But it is important, very important to find a way to reduce the level of tension that our activities generate in us, because it is possible (and considerably healthier) to live calmly despite the problems, trying to solve them but preventing them from taking over us.