Definition of



A rope can be called a rope.

Chord is a term that comes from the Latin chorda , although its most distant etymological origin is found in the Greek language. The concept is usually used to name the product formed by the union of various threads that is used to make ties or hold things.

A rope, in this sense, can be a rope or string with various knots that allows a force to be directed or functions as a support for something. For example: “Please look for a rope to tie the luggage” , “The man tried to lift the fallen tree with the help of a rope, but he couldn't” , “Investigators believe that the murderer carried out the crime with a rope” .

Strings of musical instruments

Strings are also the threads that are part of musical instruments and that, when vibrating, generate different sounds. The bass , the harp and the guitar are some of the so-called stringed instruments : “The musician broke a string on his guitar but continued playing” , “I need to buy new strings for the violin” , “My ukulele has four strings” .

Each string must be tuned to a particular note , based on the convention corresponding to the A 440 (an A that vibrates 440 times per second and is obtained, for example, with the help of a tuning fork); This allows any musician to get the same sounds, at the same pitch, every time they perform a given piece. Since a slightly lower tuning was used in the past, players seeking to revive performances from centuries ago are guided not by the A 440 but by the one that corresponds to the period.

The strings of instruments tend to lose tension over time, which has a direct impact on their tuning and the color they are capable of emitting, which is why musicians must always be attentive to make the necessary adjustments. Likewise, wear and tear from use causes them to break sooner or later, or lose their shine and have to be replaced.

Musical instrument

The guitar is a stringed musical instrument.

folds of the larynx

Vocal cords , on the other hand, are the folds present in the human larynx that are essential for phonation. Thanks to the vocal cords, we have a voice and can speak and sing.

According to the theory of lyrical singing , it is possible to distinguish between the following chords (types of men's and women's voices, ordered from the lowest to the highest): bass , baritone , tenor , alto , mezzo-soprano and soprano . However, like the rest of the traits of living beings, the voice is particular to each individual, and presents variations despite belonging to one chord or another.

For example, it is said that the vocal extension (also called range ) of a tenor should span two octaves, from the third C of the piano to the fifth; On the other hand, certain works require higher or lower notes, since these limits are estimates. A well-known example can be seen in the opera "The Puritans" by the Italian composer Bellini , which requires the tenor to play the F that is above the aforementioned stop (this note is called high F).

Furthermore, within each string it is possible to distinguish various subclasses, such as coloratura soprano , light tenor or bass baritone , to name three of the many examples. A coloratura soprano is characterized by her great agility and her ability to sing very high notes, and this greatly differentiates her from the dramatic soprano , who has very corporeal bass and a resistance that allows her to tackle heavier roles .

sane person

A sane person, finally, is one who enjoys sanity (that is, good judgment ).

“I am a sane woman, I am not going to do something crazy before my wedding”, “It seems that the grandmother is no longer sane: she confuses names and does not recognize her friends” y “If Juan were sane, he would not have allowed something like that” son expresiones que muestran este uso.