Definition of



In a crisis, a person can lose control of their emotions.

A crisis is a sudden change or an important modification in the development of some event, and it can be both physical and symbolic. Crisis is also a complicated or scarcity situation .

A person can face various kinds of crises; One of the most common is health, which occurs when an important change is experienced in the course of an illness . For example: "The patient died after suffering a heart attack."

Nervous breakdown

We speak of nervous breakdowns , on the other hand, when a subject loses control of their emotions; This usually occurs in a stressful situation: "The victim's mother suffered a nervous breakdown when she heard the tragic news."

In this case, a synonym brought from the English language is the word "shock", which very concisely reflects the shock or shock that exists between the state prior to knowing a certain situation and the moment after, since they are practically opposite to emotional level.

Difficulty accepting changes

Another moment of crisis for a person usually appears when reaching a certain age; They talk about the crisis of 30 years, or 40 or 50, and they refer to the difficulty that comes with facing the changes typical of each stage of life. While it is true that many grow old without paying attention to these issues and enjoying everyday life, the body and mind undergo progressive, irreversible changes that affect those who cannot bear to let go of things permanently.

From a purely physiological point of view, for example, it is said that between the ages of 27 and 30 the skin stops producing collagen, which explains why this is the age range in which wrinkles begin to appear.


An economic crisis is characterized by negative indicators at a general level.

Crises are necessary

From a psychological point of view, crises are as common as they are necessary for a person's development, and they are not always negative or as obvious issues as those discussed in the previous paragraphs. Any obstacle that comes our way in life, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem at first glance, represents a challenge that, if resolved and overcome, will take us to a new stage in the spiral of our growth .

Continuing with the image of the spiral, each of its turns represents a crisis. It should be noted that it can never descend, which could be understood as an involution ; The only option, therefore, if you cannot break through one of these walls , is to remain stuck at one level , trapped in an evolutionary state and refuse to progress.

Beyond the individual: social, economic and political problems

Social crises , which transcend a person, are caused by a process of changes that threatens a structure. These changes generate uncertainty, since their consequences cannot be determined. When the changes are profound and lead to something new, we speak of a revolution .

An economic crisis is a time in which the economy presents negative indicators, with contraction of activities, high levels of unemployment and increase in poverty. Ironically, although this is a very difficult stage for a country, this type of crisis represents the perfect excuse for many people who do not want to make efforts to achieve a better future; The general malaise that is associated with times of crisis in certain countries shows that there is a great tendency to give up at the first obstacle, and to regret instead of seeking solutions.

A political crisis , finally, is the conflict situation that threatens the continuity of a government : "The resignation of three ministers has produced a great political crisis in Argentina."